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Tag Archives: Dogen
Dogen’s Doei (道元道詠): Poems in the Way, 65
What smokes are they Rising so immensely, While there are not so many houses Ranging in the divers’ village? Nan-no keburi-no Amata tatsu-ran Ama-no sumu Sato-ni-wa ie-mo Tsuzuka-nu-ni 何のけぶりの 数多立つらん 海士のすむ 里には家も つずかぬに … Continue reading
Wakeful Way Witnessing Wonderful World
Good morning! It is getting chilly – going below the freezing point suddenly with frost over the grass and frozen leaves down. Trees are turning into autumn colors or already shedding colorful leaves on the grass. Some will revive and some will not next spring. We don’t know all the causes and conditions of how, when, and why all these things are taking place, much less all the things going in ourselves and all others. How can we claim we know birth, life, death, life after death? Why are we so concerned about small smelly skin sacks, like bubbles with bubbling ideas, not caring about wholly wholesome world ways like seas with seasonable tides – here and now? The Buddha said, “All living beings are karma-heirs, karma-relatives, and karma-machines.” “The Four Applications are to decrease bad karmas, stop them, increase good karmas, and start them.” He used to ask if the five aggregates (form, feeling, idea, formations, consciousness) are permanent or not (self-sama) and duk-kha (wrong-going) or not (self-sovereign). If not, they are selfless (no self-substance). He also said that religion is cultivation (bhāvanā, causing to become, causative of bhave, becoming, constant change in ups and downs by karmas, old and new physical, verbal, and mental). Dogen said, “The great way of Buddhas and Ancestors necessarily has unsurpassed practice, the way cycling without interruption. Aspiration, cultivation, awakening, and nirvana without interruption is the way cycle of practice.” He said that cultivation and verification are one and equal (shu-shō-ittō: 修証一等). It is true especially in Zazen, sitting, stopping karma, seeing dharma, serving and saving all – the great, mature, and joyful way of all. Otherwise we must go through constant karma kinetics through the Six Paths becoming (bhava) hell beings, hungry ghosts, fighting devils, animal beings, … Continue reading
Dogen’s Doei (道元道詠): Poems in the Way, 9
When a poem was requested by lord Hojo (Tokiyori) at Saimyoji while (Dogen) was in kamakura in Kangen 1 (1243 C.E.), he made a poem on transmission outside (scriptural) teaching: If only the Dharma could be Written … Continue reading
Dogen’s “Doei (道元道詠): Poems in the Way,” 1
Dogen’s poems were collected by Toun Kishun, 8th abbot of Hokyoji Temple in Oh’ei 27 (1420 C.E.), 168 years after Dogen’s parinirvana, passing away, and later added. The first one is on his journey from Eiheiji to Kyoto … Continue reading
Posted in Dogen
Tagged Doei, Dogen, Eiheiji, Ejo, Gikai, Kinome-toge, limitless life
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Good morning! We have abundant beautiful flowers inside and out. I worked in my garden yesterday enjoying flowers blooming and fruits borne, birds and butterflies – even monarch butterflies. I was amazed at plants growing so fast and flourishing and new things – after more than two decades a hydrangea bloomed, which I thought only to enjoy its patterned leaves. An apple tree, though dwarf, is growing so big and now blooming and bearing fruit. An inch thick grape tree is now bearing fruit densely on a hundred square feet. This morning I got an email from Teibi, who planted a weeping cherry tree and is going to enjoy its blossoming. I have a weeping cherry here and at my house with other cherry trees. We missed cherry blossom viewing this spring, but maybe next year. Today’s Tricycle message was about the pursuit of happiness. It said that all want happiness but Buddhism tells about suffering so that we may know how to pursue happiness. We must not mistake true happiness from false. We have been reading Dogen’s Yūji (有時), Possessing Time. We must find the opportune time for the right purpose and good result, and make our careers wholly wholesome. So, Dogen recommended that we put our whole power in the Way Cycle of aspiration, cultivation, awakening, and unconditioned peace. Last time I talked about the paradigm shift from civilization to cultivation. Civilization is urbanization with city or citadel walls, discriminating inside and out. It is said, “Before civilization were forests. After civilization are no forests.” Civilization with its one-directional pyramidal system fights for limited matter and power, and thus forces the five calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination. It can not thrive and survive going against the Dharma of Dependent Origination. Cultivation with its multi-dimensional Indra- net system shares a culture of limitless heart and life in truth, goodness, and beauty; and thus strives for the fivefold bliss of awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace. Now we must see what kind and what way we are pursuing happiness. True happiness is not in the quantity of matter and power; and much less in selfish, sinful, fighting for them; but in quality of truth, goodness, and beauty – much more in selfless, holy (wholly wholesome) sharing of them. The more and harder we seek and struggle for matter and power, the severer and stronger we stray and suffer. The harder and more we strive and share in heart and life, the healthier and happier we enjoy and enjoin with all always. … Continue reading
Great Gate of Gratitude and Giving
Good morning! Japan have now entered in the rainy season. Buddhists in India used to have the Rain Retreat, which became Ango, Peaceful Retreat, for three months all over the world. Ango is the time to have the intensive sitting and study for the Buddhist goal of unconditioned peace, nirvana, and unsurpassed right, complete awakening, anuttara samyak sambodhi. Anyone regardless of age, area, race, religion, gender, genus, etc. can attain them with sincere striving. Buddhas and Successors, being so merciful, made the great gate of compassion open. This was to let all living beings enter it for verification. Who, among human beings and celestial beings, would hesitate to go through it? Even though the retribution for the evil deeds of the Three Times will be received without fail, repentance replaces a heavy retribution with a lighter one and extinguishes and purifies sins. – Dogen, Shushogi, 修証義, Significance of Cultivation and Verification Nirvana is supramundane, surpassing all mundane matters, maladies, and miseries of money-ism, militarism, materialism, essentially coming from me-ism. It transcends all samsara suffering of birth, breach, sickness, separation, languishment, loss, disaster, death, etc. It realizes awakening in amrita, ambrosia of immortality. Live on joy in the Dharma beyond home, job, even food in gratitude, giving it to families, friends, flora, and fauna – all beings. 5/27/13 Note: Ango (安居, Safe/Comfortable Living/Residing) is the three month retreat with intensive sitting, study, sewing, samu (作務, doing duty), ceremony, etc. now practiced all over the world, started in India as its rainy season retreat (雨安居, u- ango) lest wondering renunciants should disturb and destroy living beings and system. The practice leader (Shuso, 首座) among monks have special duties, Dharma combat-ceremony (hossen-shiki, 法戦-式 ), and can be fully ordained. … Continue reading
Posted in Asankhata (asamskrita: unmade)
Tagged amrita: ambrosia of immortality, Ango:安居: Safe/Comfortable Living/Residing, anuttara samyak sambodhi, complete awakening, Dharma combat-ceremony: hossen-shiki:法戦-式, Dogen, Head monk: practice leader: Shuso, rainy season retreat: 雨安居: u-ango, Shushogi, Significance of Cultivation and Verification, unconditioned peace (nirvana), unsurpassed right, 修証義, 首座)
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From Ego to Eco
Good morning! Did you see the moon? It’s now the half moon. The new moon cannot illuminate the world. When there are clouds, we cannot see the moon nor the moon can illuminate the world. If we are not interested in the moon, we don’t see it and care about its phases. The full moon is compared to the Buddha mind or heart, full free functioning, brightly illuminating the world. King Âdassa, Mirror, might have had the mirror-like face, mind, or heart – like the full moon, perfectly round and brilliant, illuminating the world and reflecting reality. He summoned blind people, to feel an animal and report it. They reported it is like a snake, a pillar, a wall, etc., and started fighting for their own truths – all only partial views, unlike his seeing all of this. Decades ago a taxi driver came here to learn Zazen only a few times and said that he got it 95%. We shouldn’t claim that we got Soto tradition by glancing Dogen interpretations, or Zen tradition by learning some sayings of it, or Buddhist teaching by reading hearsays. As Dogen said, the true Buddha Dharma was transmitted by Bodhidharma with the actual attainment. Bodhidharma taught it and transmitted to the second patriarch Eka (Huike) Daiosho only after having shown his determination by presenting his severed forearm after waiting in the deep snow. Aspirants for attainment at practice places must show their determinations despite dismissals and after long waiting and at least a week long sitting in Tangaryō (旦過寮, Passersby Dorm). As you know well, we have all kinds of problems in our world – wars, global warming, mass extinction, etc., all coming from ego, I, Ich, aham. Only seeing the small self, we do not see the whole world, eco. Eco, oikos, home, became essentially economy (oikos+nomos, home economy, domestic economy) and evading ecology (oikos+logos, home truth, universal truth). That is why we have so many problems and sufferings simply saving private economies, externalizing and excluding the public ecology and global ethic. Last week I talked about Soto, Zen, Buddhist teachings and traditions. Dogen said, “To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self. To learn the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be verified by all Dharmas…” … Continue reading
Posted in Awakened Way (Buddhism)
Tagged and Degenerate Dharma (三時:正法・像法・末法), Bodhidharma, Buddha Dharma, Buddhism: Purity Path, Dharma, Dogen, domestic economy, dropping off body/mind, ego defilement or leaks (āsava), Eka (Huike), five-part Dharma body, from ego to eco, global warming, gobun-hosshin, home economy, home truth, Imitation Dharma, karma, King Adassa, live on joy, mass extinction, Mirro, mundane truth (sammuti sacca), muro, neither coming nor going: Tathā-gata:Thus-being/Being-in-Thusness (如存), Nyoko, Nyorai, oikos+logos, oikos+nomos, Passersby Dorm), Poverty Path, Shakyamuni, Shikantaza (只管打坐), Soto, supramundane paramount truth (parama-attha sacca), Tangaryō (旦過寮, Tathāgata: Thus-come (Tathā-āgata, Three Eras of True Dharma, Thus-gone (Tathā-gata, uddha, undefiled (an-āsava, universal truth, Xuansha, Zen, 如去, 如来, 無漏)
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Soto, Zen, Buddhism
Good morning! This is Mother’s Day. So, we celebrate not only our direct biological mothers, but also bigger basic Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Dharma, Mother Home, our true home, which the Buddha witnessed and established. So, we not only present carnations to our biological mothers, but also present ourselves the broader based Dharma Dhātu, Domain, Truth Territory, nirvana, unconditioned peace, and anuttara samyak sambōdhi, unsurpassed right awakening. Twenty five centuries ago the Buddha sat in Zazen, settled in nirvana, witnessed this Dharma Dhātu, and was awakened to the truth beyond our ordinary biological living for the first time in the history of living beings, thus opened the Awakened Way for all. Nirvana means windless of karmas. We are all bound by karmas, actions, action results, and habit energies. So, the Buddha said that all living beings are karma machines, heirs, and relatives. He found the way to go beyond karma machines, karma life to Dharma life. It is from small skin sacks to limitless liberated life, like bubbles to a great ocean, as if we take off our skin coats and merge into the great space. So, when we sit, stop our physical, verbal, and mental karmas (creation, action, function), breathe deep, we become one with the selfless, supramundane space like great space, sky or sea. He found and founded the Dharma of Dependent Origination, that is, all phenomena are interdependently originated and operate, thus there is no independent eternal self. Usually we stick to small selves, in reality the sources of suffering. All problems in this world come from our sticking to small selves – global warming, mass extinction, etc. So, our ultimate solutions of them lie in selfless, supramundane Buddha Dharma life and living. The Buddha achieved the true Spiritual Revolution, the heart-mind- spirit revolution beyond materialism, militarism, money-ism, essential me-ism. Only there can we find true holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness. It is really unusual, but not abnormal. It is truly aboriginal and normal. When we stop our karmas, we see the Dharma Domain, and see the true nature of ourselves. Only in this way can we attain amrita, ambrosia of immortality. So, as long as we stick to our small skin sacks, decomposing and destroying, we can never attain it. The Buddha opened the Dharma gate of amrita, ambrosia of immortality. As in the common verse of the Seven Buddhas (quoted below), it really requires purifying one’s own heart, to do all good and to do no evil: … Continue reading
Posted in Awakened Way (Buddhism), Zen
Tagged "(Teach and transmit) from heart to heart." (ishin-denshin, "dignified form is itself Buddha Dharma" (igi-soku-buppō, "learning with the body and mind" (shinjin-gakudō, "Strive hard without indolence!", "the body and mind of the Buddha Dharma" (buppōno shinjin, "Transmit beyond scriptures. Don't stand on or set out letters." (kyōge-betsuden, "unicolor Buddha Dharma" (isshikino buppō, "unity of cultivation-verification" (shusho-ittō, action, action (cultivation), ambrosia of immortality, amrita, and in profound pro-gnosis, and ten grave prohibitory precepts, and unconditioned peace, and voluntary simplicity, anuttara samyak sambodhi, awakened way, awakening, becoming eco beyond ego, Bodhidharma, Buddha (Awakened One), Buddha (Mind) Seal: 仏(心)印, Buddha Dharma, Buddha Way: Purity Path: Purification Path, Buddha's last words, common verse of the Seven Buddhas, Dharma Dhatu, dharma life, dharma of dependent origination, Directly point to the human heart. See the nature and become Buddha." (jikishi-ninshin, Dogen, Domain, dropping off the body and mind" (shinjin-datsraku, function), Gennō-bichoku (The eyes horizontal, global ethic, Hanateba te-ni miteri (Off-hand, hand-full, holy (wholly wholesome) harmony/health/happiness, karma, karmaless, karmas (creation, Kūshu genkyō (Coming home empty-handed, Mother Dharma, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Muichimotsu-chū Mujinzo (In nothingness is limitless stored, nirvana, nirvana (windless, Path or Practice Cycle (gyōji-dōkan, peaceful, pure, See the nature and become Buddha." (jikishi-ninshin, selfless, shikan-taza (只管打坐), simple strenuous sitting or complete devotion to sitting in Zazen, Six Paths/Ways/Destinies (samsara), Sixteen Precepts of the triple treasures, small self: source of suffering, Soto tradition, supramundane space, the nose vertical, the triple collective pure vows, triple maladies: materialism/militarism/money-ism(me-ism), triple pillars of the awakened way, Truth Territory, unconditioned peace, unsurpassed right awakening, Visuddhi-magga by Buddhaghosa, Zazen (sitting zen), 一色の仏法), 不立文字), 仏法の身心), 以心伝 心), 修証一等).", 威儀即仏法), 放てば手に満てり), 教外別伝、furyū- monji, 無一物中無尽蔵), 直指人心、kenshō-jōbutsu, 眼横鼻直), 空手還郷), 行持道環) of aspiration, 見性成仏), 身心学道), 身心脱落)
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Supramundane Serenity and Satisfaction
Good morning! Our wisteria flowers have bloomed. “Flowers blooming, the world has arisen.” The world arising, flowers bloom. Sitting is settling, with selfless serenity and satisfaction, in the wholly wholesome supra-mundane world. Sitting is stopping the self sense and strife, the source of sufferings for all sentient beings in this super mundane world. 4/25/13 National Geographic _____________________________________________________ KARMA and DHARMA Good evening! I saw wisteria blooming which I planted recently in my garden. There is another one which has never bloomed for decades. Whether blooming or not blooming depends on the transmitted dharmas, environmental, and one’s own karmas. The nirvana flower and the bodhi (awakening) fruit depend on the transmitted dharma, social karma, environmental dharma, and one’s own karma. So, let us make good karmas with the good dharma of Buddha Mind Seal to bloom and bear fruit like the maņi in the lotus flower. 4/25/13 Note: Maņi is gem, crystal, etc. It may be a dewdrop in the lotus flower, representing “the clear crystal ball” (ikka-myōju, 一顆明珠, a ball of clear crystal, cf. Jinjippō … Continue reading
Posted in Dharma, Karma
Tagged "The entire world in ten directions is a clear crystal ball" Xuan-sha, A Universal Recommendation for True Zazen, bodhi: awkening, Buddha mind seal: Zazen, Chintā-maņi (nyoishu, Dharma, Dogen, Fukanzazengi, Jinjippo ikka-myōju, karma, Shobōgenzō- nehanmyōshin, the right Dharma-eye stored in the exquisite nirvana mind, 如意珠), 尽十方一顆明珠, 普勧 坐禅儀, 正法眼蔵涅槃妙心
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