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Tag Archives: Buddha
Dogen’s Doei (道元道詠): Poems in the Way, 65
What smokes are they Rising so immensely, While there are not so many houses Ranging in the divers’ village? Nan-no keburi-no Amata tatsu-ran Ama-no sumu Sato-ni-wa ie-mo Tsuzuka-nu-ni 何のけぶりの 数多立つらん 海士のすむ 里には家も つずかぬに … Continue reading
Wakeful Way Witnessing Wonderful World
Good morning! It is getting chilly – going below the freezing point suddenly with frost over the grass and frozen leaves down. Trees are turning into autumn colors or already shedding colorful leaves on the grass. Some will revive and some will not next spring. We don’t know all the causes and conditions of how, when, and why all these things are taking place, much less all the things going in ourselves and all others. How can we claim we know birth, life, death, life after death? Why are we so concerned about small smelly skin sacks, like bubbles with bubbling ideas, not caring about wholly wholesome world ways like seas with seasonable tides – here and now? The Buddha said, “All living beings are karma-heirs, karma-relatives, and karma-machines.” “The Four Applications are to decrease bad karmas, stop them, increase good karmas, and start them.” He used to ask if the five aggregates (form, feeling, idea, formations, consciousness) are permanent or not (self-sama) and duk-kha (wrong-going) or not (self-sovereign). If not, they are selfless (no self-substance). He also said that religion is cultivation (bhāvanā, causing to become, causative of bhave, becoming, constant change in ups and downs by karmas, old and new physical, verbal, and mental). Dogen said, “The great way of Buddhas and Ancestors necessarily has unsurpassed practice, the way cycling without interruption. Aspiration, cultivation, awakening, and nirvana without interruption is the way cycle of practice.” He said that cultivation and verification are one and equal (shu-shō-ittō: 修証一等). It is true especially in Zazen, sitting, stopping karma, seeing dharma, serving and saving all – the great, mature, and joyful way of all. Otherwise we must go through constant karma kinetics through the Six Paths becoming (bhava) hell beings, hungry ghosts, fighting devils, animal beings, … Continue reading
Stopping, Surpassing Samsara Suffering
Good morning! It is a beautiful autumn Sunday morning with sittings and service, the sounds of birds flapping and flying. It is the best season, just after equinox with equal day and night, a cool and clear atmosphere. Yesterday I posted Dogen’s poem on one mind treading on the Six Paths or transmigrating through them –hell beings path/way/passage/destiny/career, etc. at our website: 1. Hell being path/destiny (niraya-gati) 2. Beastly being path/destiny (tiracchānayoni-gati) 3. Ghostly being path/destiny (pittivisaya-gati) 4. Devilish being path/destiny (asura-gati) 5. Human being path/destiny (manussa-gati) 6. Celestial being path/destiny (deva-gati) Because of our karmas, we appropriate and identify the body as “I” and act as (if) “an independent, eternal being.” This is the common convention, to get into self- centeredness and self-assertion, creating the triple poisons. This is the fundamental delusion or nescience (non-witness of nirvana/bodhi, unconditioned peace/unsurpassed awakening), evolved by karmas (actions, habits, heredity, etc., even called the selfish gene) for desire/divisiveness. The triple poisons lead to the Six Paths with limitless varieties, which is called samsara, and involves suffering due to impermanence (no self-same) and dissatisfaction (no self-sovereign) of dependently originated phenomena. This has been the case for all beings in all places and at all times, because they are karma heirs, karma relatives, karma machines, in short, karma slaves, not knowing how and thus not acting to put an end to such state. The Buddha could know and act the right way to solve such a slave state in samsara suffering for the first time in the history of living beings. He sat, stopped karmas, saw the dharma of dependent origination and solved suchness. He solved the problem of nature and nurture, which Dr. Suzuki called the law of heredity and the law of ability, from the very root of life with body, mind, and the world in the dharma of dependent origination. … Continue reading
Posted in Dharma, Karma
Tagged "come and see" (ehi-passika), amrita (ambrosia, bodhi, Buddha, Celestial being, conventional truth (loka-sacca), cultivation/verification, Dependent Origination, Devilish being, Dr. Shin'ichi Suzuki (Suzuki Method), Dr. Suzuki (Shin, Ghostly being, Hellish being, human being, immortality, nirvana, no self (substance), paramount truth (parama-attha/artha sacca/satya), religion, samsara suffering, Six Paths, supramundane truth (uttara-loka sacca/satya), Tathā-gata (Thus-being)
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Good Friends (Kalyana Mitra/Mitta)
Good morning! We live in the world of interdependent co-origination. Our life is dependent on the environment which is then dependent upon with whom we live. Our life is good if we have good friends, and bad if we … Continue reading
Vesak Day Dharma Vision
Thank you for your participation in the Vesak Day (commemorating Buddha’s Birthday, Awakening, and Parinirvāna, Perfect Nirvana) celebration! This is a good occasion for us to reflect and relive the Buddha’s Way. He opened the great gate of amrita, ambrosia … Continue reading
Posted in Asankhata (asamskrita: unmade)
Tagged amrita (ambrosia/immortality), Buddha, Buddhahood, Carl H. Busse (1872-1918), chan, Dharma Dhatu, dharma of dependent origination, dhyâna, Four Stages of Zen (Jhāna, happiness, karma, karma heir/relative/machine, live on joy, meditation, nirvana, Parinirvāna: Perfect Nirvana, Pure heart: pure land, tornado, Vesak Day, Vimalakirti, Zazen (sitting zen)
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Dharma Transmission
Good morning! Now we have a lot of green around us. Cherry blossoms have almost gone, but red buds have started blooming. I hope you have enjoyed deep breathing and profound peace. When we breathe deep with the Buddha mind seal, we completely refresh our whole system – body, mind, and the world. Thus we merge into the cosmos like the great ocean or the great sky. Actually the sky is called sallila, ocean in India. Then, we are liberated from small smelly skin sacks, returning to the origin, becoming one with the Dharma Dhātu, Domain. Then only, we find out our true selves, the true body, the great ocean like life. Only then, we become awakened to the truth of our original nature. We find that we have been deluded by our small bodies and minds, and find that all sufferings we had are dispersed like dense fogs, dispelled like dark clouds, and come to know wherefrom sufferings come – all from small selves sticking to small sacks. But, we never know it, until we reach nirvana, vast space, great ocean, and see things from there further, wider, and deeper. It is like waking up from our dreadful dreams. Even though we work in our daily lives, thinking that we are wakeful, it is not enough, not awakened, bound by all kinds of delusions, which essentially come from our senses that our selves, skin sacks, are the most important things. From this delusion, we create all kinds of problems and sufferings. Unless we stop it and merge into this great ocean, we remain in suffering, never solving our problems, individual, social, and ecological. As you know, they are getting more and worse. So, if we really want to solve our problems and sufferings, we must become Buddhas, stop becoming bubbles, becoming selfless. Only our practice makes it possible and perfect. The Buddha found this truth 25 centuries ago, and he devoted his whole life to save all beings from sufferings. Many followers practiced in the same way as he did, and became Buddhas. In this way from generation to generation, the Buddha Way has been transmitted and succeeded without interruption. If we want to keep this tradition, we all must become Buddhas and keep it alive and active. The most important thing for Buddhas is to keep the Buddha Dharma persist perpetually (reihōgujū, 令法久住). How? Make next Buddhas. Otherwise, it stops there, and disappears. The Dharma, as you know now, is like the limitless ocean or space, awakened by the Buddhas beyond the small selves, bubbles and clouds. If we stick to our small selves or other things such as money, material things, we lose our Dharma and the Dharma life. Even we stick to our lives, we lose them, much more the Buddha Dharma. As I talked last Sunday “taking refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha (kimyō, … Continue reading
Posted in Dharma
Tagged " (ikkyoshu ittōsoku一挙手一投, "a separate transmission outside scriptures" (kyōgebetuden, "directly pointing the person's heart" (jikishi-ninshin, "from heart to heart" (i-shin den-shin, "not deluded about causality" (fumai inga, "not falling into causality"(furaku inga, "raising hands and taking steps, "seeing the true nature, "taking refuge in the Buddha, (Hōmyaku法脈), (Kechimaku, Ananda, and becoming the Buddha" (ken-sho jō- butsu, and Sangha (kimyō, Blood Line, Buddha, Buddha Dharma, Dharma, Dharma Dhatu, Dharma Line, Dogen, every move and, Fox Zen (yako-zen, Hyakujo, keep the Buddha Dharma persist perpetually (reihōgujū, Practice in Gratitude (Gyōji-hōon, Sangha, Significance of Cultivation and Verification (Shushōgi, storage of the right Dharma eye" (shōbōgenzō, suffering, tears for the Dharma (hōno tameno namida, the great ocean of Dharma (buppō-no taikai, unsurpassed complete right awakening (anuttara samyak sam-bodhi), Zen, 不昧因果), 不落因果), 仏法の大海), 令法久住), 以心伝心), 修証義, 帰命), 教外別伝), 正法眼蔵), 法の為の涙), 直指人 心), 血脈), 行持報恩), 見性成仏), 足), 野狐禅)
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Profound Paramount Prognosis
Good morning! We have now a beautiful spring morning with sitting with Buddhas and singing of birds. An old Buddha said: It is difficult to receive a human body and rare to meet the Buddha-dharma. We have received human bodies and met the Buddha-dharma. We are best among all lives. It is better to see even with one eye than being blind, not being able to see all the beautiful things in this world. Someone said, “It is abnormal to have two eyes and to be in one-eyed countries” If we have two eyes with parallax, we can see things in perspective and profundity in three dimensions. If we have the third eye of prajñā, prognosis, we can see the paramount truth in the other world in supramundane realm. 4/10/13 Note: 1.Hard is it to receive a human body, rare is it to meet the Buddha-dharma. By virtue of stored merits, we not only have received human bodies hard to receive, but also have met the Buddha-dharma. We are in the best lives among various births and deaths and in the most blessed lives. We should not leave our dew-like lives to the mercy of the wind of impermanence treating carelessly the most blessed bodies. – Dogen, the Shushōgi, the Significance of Cultivation and Verification, Ch.1 2.Paramount truth, paramattha sacca, paramārth satya, shōgitai, 勝義諦
Ultimate and Only Way
Good morning! When we sit with Buddhas and flowers, opening the windows all around, we enjoy the singing of birds, scent of flowers, spring scene, stars, dawning, … This is the Buddha world like the King Mirror seeing the whole picture of the elephant, unlike the blind people touching only their parts and fighting for them. If we want to solve our problems, we must practice the Awakened Way. Since the Buddha found the way to stop all sufferings, 25 centuries have passed. Still we have a lot of problems. We must practice and become like the King Mirror or Buddhas, witnessing one harmonious world in unconditioned peace and unsurpassed awakening. This is the ultimate and the only way to solve our problems and sufferings from the very root and absolutely. 4/9/13 Picture by Robert o Bertero, National Geographic
Right Realization Right Hereunder
Good morning! We had a light shower last night, so it is still a little cloudy. Thus we saw the very thin, dim moon. Today is the Flower Festival Day commemorating the Buddha’s birth. The full moon shines forth fully, only when the moon faces directly to the sun of clear and calm truth and peace. The King Mirror reflected the total truth of the great living elephant unlike the thin, dim image of it by the blind people, who insisted on their partial truth and fought for it. The realization right hereunder, stressed in the last chapter of the Collection of Cautions in Learning the Way by Dogen, is this coincidence the firm practice mind and the Buddha way right hereunder. This actual sitting is the direct contact with the Buddha way and the Buddha mind here and now. 4/8/13