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Category Archives: dharma dhatu
From Sick Sin to Healthy Holiness: 病患の罪悪から健康な聖性へ
Good morning! We had chilly days recently, but the weather forecast is up to 52 today and 64 degrees tomorrow. The Dharma (Norm, Law) of all dharmas (forms, phenomena) is Dependent Co-origination, related and relative, as illustrated in … Continue reading
Adharma to Dharma
Good morning, We have a bright beautiful equinox day, which is identified as higan, yonder shore or nirvana, for which we are sitting our sesshin today. We say there is heat and chill only up until higan, but … Continue reading
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Dharma-dhātu or Defiled-dhātu
Good morning! Before I came here I watched TV Japan, which was broadcasting predictions for the Tokyo Gubernatorial Election. It seems that the two no nuke candidates had divided the no nuke votes and that the candidate supported by the LDP, CGP, and Power Companies League with its labor unions would win, even with some problems over his gift giving and party money management. The voter turnout was low at 46% with a 45-year record snowfall of about a foot. Money might win over life. The previous premiers Hosokawa and Koizumi were always popular, with their street speeches attracting gatherings of thousands of people, but they could not raise enough attention due to media suppression and the last minute start. Another ex-premier, Kan, published a book today describing the disaster on his duty and saying that the only safe nuke is no nuke. If the new governor faces the same fate as his predecessor, the no nuke side will win in the next election. Without nukes we have the clean Dharma-dhātu, and anyone can enter it by sitting and stopping karma, like the way one sees one’s own image in a clear mirror. With nuke spewing radiation, however, there is no more clean Dharma-dhātu, but only the Defiled-dhātu. We say we “share One World” or “are born in One Lotus” (Ichiren-takushō: 一蓮托生). Now we must live in the muddy water rather than be the lotus flower unattached to it. In response to my request for Tokyoites on my Hitachi friends listserve to vote in the spirit of the proverbial “no money overnight,” a friend said he wanted to “live robustly and roll down quickly” (pin-koro) rather than living longer in sickness knowing “the last jacket has no pockets“and “not leaving beautiful paddies” to his successor. There is a way to quickly “roll above and live robustly” (koro-pin), living the Eightfold Great One’s Awakening for the Economy of Contentment and Dharma based on Eco, not that of Craving and Delusion bound by Ego. … Continue reading
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Indra-net Illustration: Beautiful, Beneficial, Benevolent Bees
Please watch the video and witness holy harmony, health, and happiness in holy (wholly wholesome, Indra-net) truth, goodness, beauty, peace, joy: http://limitlesslife.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/marla-spivak-why-bees-are-disappearing/ Please share, strengthen, and serve our wholly wholesome Indra-net system: Dharma-dhātu (Dharma World) of the Dharma … Continue reading
Coming Home and Sitting in Complete Comfort (kika-onza, 帰家穏坐)
Good morning! Now we have the very thin new moon. We know that we will soon see the full moon and flowers blooming in the Dharma dhātu, Dharma domain. Flowers in spring, Cuckoo in summer, The moon in Autumn, Snow in winter Cool and clear. This is the poem “The Original Face” made by Dogen. We are very fortunate to be able to sit in complete comfort coming home (kika-onza, 帰家穏坐) every morning and evening together enjoying all things. Colors of peaks and Sounds of valleys are Altogether voices and Forms of my Shakyamuni. This is also his poem among the five poems referencing the Lotus Sutra. We are always at home in pure peace and prognosis in the Dharma dhātu, resting in great comfort in the Buddha’s house. 3/14/13
Spring Sitting
Good morning! We say, “A moment of a spring evening is worth a thousand pieces of gold.” A spring morning in sitting and stopping karma winds is priceless, devoid of delusion deceased (gari-gari-mōja, 我利我利亡者), dead demons, and deadly devils as in the daytime dealing. Here is the significance of cultivation and verification. Only practice makes perfect paths, persons, and places. The taste of amrita, ambrosia of immortality, is in actually acting and achieving it here and now. 3/12/13 Note: Delusion deceased (gari-gari-mōja, 我利我利亡者, lit. Self-interest, self-interest deceased) means the one who is deluded by “self,” and possessed by the self-interest and become living dead, not living free and fully with all beings – wholly wholesome living. In the daytime dealing with other humans we are drawn into this state of self- interest dead or deadly dangers, which we avoid in the early morning natural world only with beautiful birds’ singing and bunnies’ scurrying.
Fostering Holy Home Host (Seitai-chōyō: 聖胎長養)
Good evening! The daytime is getting longer, so we can drive safely and smoothly, while it is clear and calm. This is due to the Dharma of Dependent Origination of the complete cosmos since the Big Bang fifteen billion years ago. Our bodies and brains are also due to the Dharma of Dependent Origination. Often we mistake and make mental maladies of me-ism, materialism, militarism, money-ism, etc. due to human habits and hubris, which are seen only in the human world. They can be ceased by sitting and stopping our karma kinetics (wrong conceptions, emotions, volitions) , which is not found in the natural Dharma-dhātu (Hokkai,法界) – dependent on the Dharma of Dependent Cessation. This can be witnessed in sitting as dropping off our bodies and minds, the disappearance of discrimination by I-my-me-mine, and the appearance of the unified universal Dharma-dhātu, attested and verified by all dharmas. Then, we witness our true nature and become awakened in this Dharma-dhātu, unpossessed and unpossessing. This traceless awakening must be furthered on and on. This is the perpetual fostering of “the holy home or host” (seitai-chōyō, 聖胎長養). It is protecting, preserving, and perpetuating the Tathagata potential (Tathāgata- garbha). We must constantly, concentratedly foster it by the cultivation-verification of sitting and stopping karma kinetics. That is why this is the essential function and functional essence. 3/11/13 Note: Tathāgata-garbha literally means Tathāgata-womb or Tathāgata-fetus (Nyoraizō, 如来蔵). Tathāgata is commonly translated as Thus-came (Tathā-āgata, Nyorai,如来) and exceptionally Thus-went (Tathā-gata, Nyoko,如去), but should be translated as Thus-being (Shinnyozai, Shinnyosha, 真如在, 真如者, 真人, being in Thusness, Shinnyo,真如, cf. Hasta-gata āmra, mango being on the palm), because it is not the state of someone’s coming or going, but just being in Thusness or Emptiness, Śūnytā. … Continue reading
Posted in dharma dhatu
Tagged dharma of dependent origination, Dharma-dhātu (Hokkai, discrimination by I-my-me-mine, mental maladies (me-ism/materialism/militarism/money-ism/etc.), Nyoko, Nyorai, perpetual fostering of "the holy home or host" (seitai-chōyō, Tathā-āgata, Tathâ-gata, Tathāgata (Tathāgata-garbha), Tathagata potential (Tathāgata- garbha), Tathāgata-womb or Tathāgata-fetus (Nyorai-zō, Thus-being (Shinnyozai/Shinnyosha/Shinnin/真如在/真如者/真人), Zazen (Buddha-mind seal/essential function/functional essence), 如去, 如来, 法界), 聖胎長養)
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Verified by All Dharmas, Dharma-dhātu
Good morning! We are very fortunate that we can sit in peace and harmony here, now, with all. This is the way the Buddha and all ancestors lived their whole lives. The news from Japan this morning was all about the second anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, which claimed more than twenty thousand lives and missing. More than 310,000 are still refugees, and more than 160,000 are evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear disasters, many of them leaving homes, jobs, families, etc. We have more disasters and destruction in store; the human race especially is causing the global problematique – nuclear holocaust, global warming, mass extinction, etc. How can we stop and be saved from them? The Buddha showed how we can live in a wholly wholesome way and world with holy harmony, truth, goodness, and beauty. Dogen described the concrete path and process of how we can achieve the Buddha Way, the Awakened Way, in his Genjōkōan, Realizing Universal Truth: To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self. To learn the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be verified by all dharmas. To be verified by all dharmas is to drop off the bodies and minds of the self and others. The trace of awakening is at rest and extinct. The traceless awakening is furthered on and on. “To be verified by all dharmas” means to be verified by all things in the world – the sky, stars, mountains, rivers, plants, animals, etc. How can we be verified by them concretely? We must be verified by the concrete lives and living ways of the Buddha and ancestors with their warm hearts, blood, bones, flesh, and skin. So, we must study their living ways. Our lives and living ways must be warmed, warned, and attested by them right here and now, each moment, every day in our continuous concentrated cultivation and verification. … Continue reading
Spring Sphere Settling
Good morning! This spring sphere turns rain and snow into a life-giver to all plants, then to all animals. When we sit we become truth and peace like trees. Let’s breathe free and fully with the whole body like trees blooming and bearing fruit. So, enjoy your dignified bodies and deep breathing with the spring air, earth, and the whole world. 3/10/13 (family sitting)