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Tag Archives: dharma of dependent origination
Vesak Day Dharma Vision
Thank you for your participation in the Vesak Day (commemorating Buddha’s Birthday, Awakening, and Parinirvāna, Perfect Nirvana) celebration! This is a good occasion for us to reflect and relive the Buddha’s Way. He opened the great gate of amrita, ambrosia … Continue reading
Posted in Asankhata (asamskrita: unmade)
Tagged amrita (ambrosia/immortality), Buddha, Buddhahood, Carl H. Busse (1872-1918), chan, Dharma Dhatu, dharma of dependent origination, dhyâna, Four Stages of Zen (Jhāna, happiness, karma, karma heir/relative/machine, live on joy, meditation, nirvana, Parinirvāna: Perfect Nirvana, Pure heart: pure land, tornado, Vesak Day, Vimalakirti, Zazen (sitting zen)
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Soto, Zen, Buddhism
Good morning! This is Mother’s Day. So, we celebrate not only our direct biological mothers, but also bigger basic Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Dharma, Mother Home, our true home, which the Buddha witnessed and established. So, we not only present carnations to our biological mothers, but also present ourselves the broader based Dharma Dhātu, Domain, Truth Territory, nirvana, unconditioned peace, and anuttara samyak sambōdhi, unsurpassed right awakening. Twenty five centuries ago the Buddha sat in Zazen, settled in nirvana, witnessed this Dharma Dhātu, and was awakened to the truth beyond our ordinary biological living for the first time in the history of living beings, thus opened the Awakened Way for all. Nirvana means windless of karmas. We are all bound by karmas, actions, action results, and habit energies. So, the Buddha said that all living beings are karma machines, heirs, and relatives. He found the way to go beyond karma machines, karma life to Dharma life. It is from small skin sacks to limitless liberated life, like bubbles to a great ocean, as if we take off our skin coats and merge into the great space. So, when we sit, stop our physical, verbal, and mental karmas (creation, action, function), breathe deep, we become one with the selfless, supramundane space like great space, sky or sea. He found and founded the Dharma of Dependent Origination, that is, all phenomena are interdependently originated and operate, thus there is no independent eternal self. Usually we stick to small selves, in reality the sources of suffering. All problems in this world come from our sticking to small selves – global warming, mass extinction, etc. So, our ultimate solutions of them lie in selfless, supramundane Buddha Dharma life and living. The Buddha achieved the true Spiritual Revolution, the heart-mind- spirit revolution beyond materialism, militarism, money-ism, essential me-ism. Only there can we find true holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness. It is really unusual, but not abnormal. It is truly aboriginal and normal. When we stop our karmas, we see the Dharma Domain, and see the true nature of ourselves. Only in this way can we attain amrita, ambrosia of immortality. So, as long as we stick to our small skin sacks, decomposing and destroying, we can never attain it. The Buddha opened the Dharma gate of amrita, ambrosia of immortality. As in the common verse of the Seven Buddhas (quoted below), it really requires purifying one’s own heart, to do all good and to do no evil: … Continue reading
Posted in Awakened Way (Buddhism), Zen
Tagged "(Teach and transmit) from heart to heart." (ishin-denshin, "dignified form is itself Buddha Dharma" (igi-soku-buppō, "learning with the body and mind" (shinjin-gakudō, "Strive hard without indolence!", "the body and mind of the Buddha Dharma" (buppōno shinjin, "Transmit beyond scriptures. Don't stand on or set out letters." (kyōge-betsuden, "unicolor Buddha Dharma" (isshikino buppō, "unity of cultivation-verification" (shusho-ittō, action, action (cultivation), ambrosia of immortality, amrita, and in profound pro-gnosis, and ten grave prohibitory precepts, and unconditioned peace, and voluntary simplicity, anuttara samyak sambodhi, awakened way, awakening, becoming eco beyond ego, Bodhidharma, Buddha (Awakened One), Buddha (Mind) Seal: 仏(心)印, Buddha Dharma, Buddha Way: Purity Path: Purification Path, Buddha's last words, common verse of the Seven Buddhas, Dharma Dhatu, dharma life, dharma of dependent origination, Directly point to the human heart. See the nature and become Buddha." (jikishi-ninshin, Dogen, Domain, dropping off the body and mind" (shinjin-datsraku, function), Gennō-bichoku (The eyes horizontal, global ethic, Hanateba te-ni miteri (Off-hand, hand-full, holy (wholly wholesome) harmony/health/happiness, karma, karmaless, karmas (creation, Kūshu genkyō (Coming home empty-handed, Mother Dharma, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Muichimotsu-chū Mujinzo (In nothingness is limitless stored, nirvana, nirvana (windless, Path or Practice Cycle (gyōji-dōkan, peaceful, pure, See the nature and become Buddha." (jikishi-ninshin, selfless, shikan-taza (只管打坐), simple strenuous sitting or complete devotion to sitting in Zazen, Six Paths/Ways/Destinies (samsara), Sixteen Precepts of the triple treasures, small self: source of suffering, Soto tradition, supramundane space, the nose vertical, the triple collective pure vows, triple maladies: materialism/militarism/money-ism(me-ism), triple pillars of the awakened way, Truth Territory, unconditioned peace, unsurpassed right awakening, Visuddhi-magga by Buddhaghosa, Zazen (sitting zen), 一色の仏法), 不立文字), 仏法の身心), 以心伝 心), 修証一等).", 威儀即仏法), 放てば手に満てり), 教外別伝、furyū- monji, 無一物中無尽蔵), 直指人心、kenshō-jōbutsu, 眼横鼻直), 空手還郷), 行持道環) of aspiration, 見性成仏), 身心学道), 身心脱落)
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Fostering Holy Home Host (Seitai-chōyō: 聖胎長養)
Good evening! The daytime is getting longer, so we can drive safely and smoothly, while it is clear and calm. This is due to the Dharma of Dependent Origination of the complete cosmos since the Big Bang fifteen billion years ago. Our bodies and brains are also due to the Dharma of Dependent Origination. Often we mistake and make mental maladies of me-ism, materialism, militarism, money-ism, etc. due to human habits and hubris, which are seen only in the human world. They can be ceased by sitting and stopping our karma kinetics (wrong conceptions, emotions, volitions) , which is not found in the natural Dharma-dhātu (Hokkai,法界) – dependent on the Dharma of Dependent Cessation. This can be witnessed in sitting as dropping off our bodies and minds, the disappearance of discrimination by I-my-me-mine, and the appearance of the unified universal Dharma-dhātu, attested and verified by all dharmas. Then, we witness our true nature and become awakened in this Dharma-dhātu, unpossessed and unpossessing. This traceless awakening must be furthered on and on. This is the perpetual fostering of “the holy home or host” (seitai-chōyō, 聖胎長養). It is protecting, preserving, and perpetuating the Tathagata potential (Tathāgata- garbha). We must constantly, concentratedly foster it by the cultivation-verification of sitting and stopping karma kinetics. That is why this is the essential function and functional essence. 3/11/13 Note: Tathāgata-garbha literally means Tathāgata-womb or Tathāgata-fetus (Nyoraizō, 如来蔵). Tathāgata is commonly translated as Thus-came (Tathā-āgata, Nyorai,如来) and exceptionally Thus-went (Tathā-gata, Nyoko,如去), but should be translated as Thus-being (Shinnyozai, Shinnyosha, 真如在, 真如者, 真人, being in Thusness, Shinnyo,真如, cf. Hasta-gata āmra, mango being on the palm), because it is not the state of someone’s coming or going, but just being in Thusness or Emptiness, Śūnytā. … Continue reading
Posted in dharma dhatu
Tagged dharma of dependent origination, Dharma-dhātu (Hokkai, discrimination by I-my-me-mine, mental maladies (me-ism/materialism/militarism/money-ism/etc.), Nyoko, Nyorai, perpetual fostering of "the holy home or host" (seitai-chōyō, Tathā-āgata, Tathâ-gata, Tathāgata (Tathāgata-garbha), Tathagata potential (Tathāgata- garbha), Tathāgata-womb or Tathāgata-fetus (Nyorai-zō, Thus-being (Shinnyozai/Shinnyosha/Shinnin/真如在/真如者/真人), Zazen (Buddha-mind seal/essential function/functional essence), 如去, 如来, 法界), 聖胎長養)
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Settling in Sesshin
Good morning! We can see a nice big, bright, beautiful sun this morning, expecting the spring equinox just within a month. The equinox has the equal day and night. The day and a couple of days before and after it are called o-higan (お彼岸), the yonder shore, meaning nirvana, unconditioned peace. The Buddha reached it and anyone can reach it after his example with practice in peace and prognosis. Today we have sesshin, embracing the mind (摂心) or touching the heart (接心). This is the best time to reach nirvana, embracing and touching our hearts and minds. Usually we are too busy looking and running around somewhere else, scarcely looking inside, embracing them, much less touching them, the very core of our minds and hearts – the heart of our life. But, when we sit solid and serene, our minds also become solid and serene in pure peace and prognosis. That is to embrace the Buddha mind, which embraces all and the whole world, touching the core of the mind – witnessing how the mind functions, creates our worlds,, and lives in such worlds. Thus, we could reach the Shōbōgenzō-nehanmyōshin (正法眼蔵涅槃妙心), the right Dharma eye stored in the exquisite mind. A passage of the first volume of Dogen’s Shōbōgenzō, Genjōkōan, Realizing Universal Truth (現成公案), reads: When one first seeks the Dharma, one is far away and apart from the boundary of the Dharma. When the Dharma has already been rightly transmitted to oneself, one is the person in one’s own original part. When one goes downstream in a boat, in turning one’s eyes to the bank, one mistakenly thinks that the bank is moving; but in intimately fixing one’s eyes on the boat, one knows that it is the boat that is moving. In like manner, in discriminating milliards of dharmas with the body and mind in confusion, one mistakes one’s mind and one’s nature as ever-abiding. In intimately carrying one’s actions and returning to this very one, it becomes clear that milliards of dharmas are not this one. So, when we are drawn to all the outside things, we think that there are the permanent selves abiding in our bodies and minds. But, when we touch our minds, we find out that the bodies and minds are moving, constantly changing, and that there are no such … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged absolute or paramount (parama-attha, agreement), ambrosia of immortality, amrita, Buddha, Common Precepts of Seven Buddhas, conventional (lokiya, Dharma Dhatu, dharma of dependent origination, Dogen, equanimity, Genjōkōan, mundane) one (sammuti, nirvana, o-higan (お彼岸, parama-artha) truth (sacca, Realizing Universal Truth (現成公案), Realm or Root, sammati, satya), sesshin: embracing the mind (摂心): touching the heart (接心), Shobogenzo, Shōbōgenzō-nehanmyōshin (正法眼蔵涅槃妙心), the right Dharma eye stored in the exquisite mind., yonder shore
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Sit, Settle in, and See the Dharma
Good morning! After the winter solstice we have a brighter and colder day. After our sittings we have a calmer and clearer world. Before I came here I watched a Japanese TV program on a doctor working with PTSD … Continue reading
Posted in Dharma
Tagged amrita (ambrosia/immortality), dharma of dependent origination, five aggregates, five precepts, four Brahma-vihâra or limitlessness, four sufferings, karma, Mahayana (Great Way/Vehicle), PTSD, six destinies (rokushu: 六趣), six perfections, six ways (rokudô: 六道), the world without PTSD, triple learning: sîila/samâdhi/prajñâ (morality/concentration/prognosis), triple poisons, unconditioned peace/unsurpassed awakening, wholly wholesome way/world
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Stopping Karma Is Stopping Suffering
Good morning! We have a calm, warm, bright morning after the last night rain. We say, “After rain earth solidifies.” (Ame-futte chi-katamaru, 雨降って地固まる) Without dust bowls or extreme chill, nature seems to return to life. Sometimes rain causes … Continue reading
Posted in Awakened Way (Buddhism)
Tagged “After rain earth solidifies.” (Ame-futte chi-katamaru, aspiration/action/unconditioned peace/unsurpassed awakening (way cycle), Buddha, Buddhism, delusion (separate selves), destruction of world, dharma of dependent origination, friendship/compassion/joy/equanimity (Brahma abode), Gross National happiness, Gross National Product, karma machine, true conqueror, 雨降って地固まる)
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Conguering One-self, Not Others
Good evening! I’ve seen already morning glories, hibiscus, mums, potatoes blooming, and humming birds, dragonflies flying, according to the law of dependent origination. Sitting in zazen is stopping the self-centric, self-survival karmas, leading to conquering one’s own self, … Continue reading
Posted in cultivation: verification (修:証)
Tagged conquering one-self, dharma of dependent origination, triple learning: triple treasure, triple poison (delusion/craving/anger), triple unrivaled (unparalleled freedom/unconditioned peace/unsurpassed awakening): triple treasure, triplemalady (meism/materialism/militarism)
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Dharma of Dependent Origination
Good evening! When we sit in zazen, we enter into the dharma world, become awakened to the dharma of dependent origination, and see the open, integral, intertwined sańgha. We find the symbolism of closed, piecemeal, separate self, society, … Continue reading
Posted in cultivation: verification (修:証)
Tagged 0, dharma of dependent origination, limitless life/light/liberation/love/learning, praxisth path cycle continuing, symbol of separate self/society/state/status/species from integral/intertwined/inexhaustible system, triple learning/treasure
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