Conguering One-self, Not Others

Good evening!


I’ve seen already morning glories, hibiscus, mums, potatoes blooming, and humming birds, dragonflies flying, according to the law of dependent origination.


Sitting in zazen is stopping the self-centric, self-survival karmas, leading to conquering one’s own self, not others’.


Zazen is the triple learning of morality, concentration, and prognosis, with the triple unrivaled of unparalleled freedom, unconditioned peace, and unsurpassed awakening.


The unconquered self is already with the triple poison of delusion, craving, and anger, leading to the triple malady of me-ism, materialism, and militarism.


The conquered self is without poison and malady, wholly wholesome, endowed with the triple treasure, unconquered by anyone or anything any more.




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