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Category Archives: Home coming
Good morning! On the way here I saw the morning star, morning mist, and heard birds singing. We have beautiful flowers on the altar. Now we are entering the flower season. After sittings we enjoy equanimity at our equinox sesshin. As we have a lot of registrations for our web blog I posted Dogen’s Universal Recommendation for True Zazen, with the beginning portion of the Translator’s Introduction to it. We read and talked about it yesterday. Garyo kindly sent me the first piece of her travelogue in Ecuador, along with a picture. Quito is situated on the equator, between south and north, like the equinox between day and night and heat and chill, called the other shore, nirvana. The spring equinox is between winter and spring, the springing up of plants and animals with full flowering. The fall equinox is between summer and fall, the falling of vegetation and insects with a feast of fruiting. Evolution has turned into devolution by individualization, involution, and intoxication. The supreme selfishness, not sapiens, set into nuclear winter, global summer, and mass extinction in a one-directional pyramid structure. In a cyclical Indra-net system we could enjoy winter and summer, expecting the coming spring and fall to bring abundance and admiration, as in Dogen’s poem titled the original face: Flowers in spring, Cuckoo in summer, The moon in autumn, Snow in winter, cool and clear. The other night I thought that the owner of the car parked in front had not turned off his headlights. When I turned mine off, I found his were only the reflection of mine. We had better turn on our inside dome lamp to reflect. Religion is to return to the original, holy (wholly wholesome) truth (Dharma, Dao, … Continue reading
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Home Coming
Nothing to say To the mounts Of my home; The mounts Of … Continue reading
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Manaslu & TsumValley
Trekking around the Mountain of the Spirit and into the sacred valley During fall of 2011, I trekked with my daughter Anna-Sophie and my son Robert for three weeks near the Tibetan border … Continue reading
Sole Solution Salvation Satisfaction
Good morning! Tonight we can see the full moon, if it clears up. The full moon represents the Buddha heart, full and free in calm and clear conditions, illuminating the world. Two days ago we had summer solstice, the longest day and thus now we are having shorter and shorter days, though it seems like we are still having longer and brighter days. The Buddha heart is awakened to the three dharma marks of impermanence, suffering (duk-kha, going against wishes), and no-self (“self” substance), the fourth being nirvana (unconditioned peace). The Buddha taught us that to be born as a human being is very rare like a blind turtle living at the bottom of ocean coming to its surface once in a hundred years, which happens to stick its head into a hole of a floating log by rare chance; and that it is far more seldom to meet the Awakened Way. All creatures are blinded by karmas, and humans are further blinded by their evolved brains and bodies. That is why humans have been creating problems – pollutions of ABC (atomic, biological, chemical) weapons coming from the triple poisons. Humans with their hubris regard themselves as the best among creatures, but actually they can be worst among themselves and against the whole world. We are destroying the wholly wholesome life system and possibly annihilating it at any moment with nukes. Humans perpetually promote pollution and are prepared to precipitate mass extinction with the five calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination. We seem to lack cognition, concern, and countermeasures, as if someone provided the worst weapons to mad men. We observe the Six Ways (or Destinies) of hell beings, hungry ghosts, fighting devils, animal beings, human beings, and celestial beings. We ourselves go through these Ways, and often worse than them, polluting all, individually, socially, and ecologically. The triple poisons of thirst (Pali: taṅhā/Sanskrit: tṛṣṇā), anger (dosa/doṣa), and delusion (moha/moha) essentially come from nescience (avijjā/avidyā, no witness), and not seeing the true nature of the Dharma of Dependent Origination (allphenomena dependently originated on causes and conditions, thus substanceless (suñña/śūnya). The sole solution of it is to sit still and serene, stop karmas, settle in nirvana, see the Dharma (witness the Four Dharma Marks), save it, and serve it. Thus only can we be … Continue reading
Coming home, Day 14
Through a ravine, a path formed by rainwater and hundreds of years of use by wagons and people, I walked by vineyards and apricot orchards to the city of Mautern. In the vineyards, the dandelions started to turn into seeds. The wind was blowing the cherry blossoms to the ground and it started to rain. Ravine Dandelions In Mautern, I visited my sister Christi at the Nikolaihof. She lives in a former monastery. The foundations of her house go back to Roman times. Her place has a special energy. Christi invited me for lunch. After that, I crossed the iron bridge where my mother once went with her bike for safety. The water from the Danube was rushing down like 68 years ago. Yet, not a single drop of water was the same. In the constant stream of life, generations after generations passed, yet each individual is unique. I was walking over that bridge with all the ancestors in me, connected and yet not burdened by it. Thankfulness and joy filled my heart. Peony with bee My sister Christi working at her pond Nikolaihof, view from the garden … Continue reading
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Coming Home, Day 13
The view from the village of Rossatz to Dürnstein was gorgeous. Before I continued my hike, I watched the festival for St. Florian, the patron saint of the firemen. The local wind ensemble marched together with women wearing Dirndl and Goldhaube (national costume with golden hat) through the village and then to the church. Dürnstein with ruin from Rossatz Dirndl (national costume) Blasmusik For hours I walked through vineyards and forests and soon the monastery Göttweig appeared in the distance. From a view-tower (Ferdinandswarte), I looked down to Krems and Mautern. Monastery Göttweig in the distance View to the Danube, Krems and Mautern Path up to Göttweig Lillies of the valley When the sun was setting, I arrived at Göttweig monastery, where I stayed overnight. … Continue reading
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Coming Home, Day 12
A sweet smell of lilac and other spring flowers filled the space of the little church in Hofarnsdorf. The decoration was done for the Maiandacht, a celebration in honor of Virgin Mary. It reminded me of my childhood, when we village children brought the most beautiful flowers from our gardens in order to make the chapel for the May devotion as beautiful as possible. Sunset with blooming apricot trees in Hofarnsdorf Hofarnsdor chapel and flower decoration On a former Roman street, I walked up to the top of a mountain. The grooves of the wagon wheels were still visible in the hard rock. A stone door in the middle of the forest was once a protection against Osmanic troops coming to the Wachau valley. Now it is just a reminder of this dangerous time. Green lizard Türkentor (turkish door), 16th century Seekopf (name of lake) View to Weißenkirchen … Continue reading
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Constantly Coming Holy Home
Good morning! We are now all surrounded by the abundant fresh green with a lot of rain as in rainy season. I have been thinking of cleaning the pond filter and mowing our garden, but have been postponing due to my bad cold. Rick cleaned the filter. Someone mowed our garden, though I thought of doing it on Monday or Tuesday when Scott offered to work in our veggie garden. Seeing something to be done and taking care of it is called intoku, hidden virtue working unnoticed by others (陰徳). It is a good practice for its own sake. We are glad to sit with Bill, who was one of the first board directors and has been the longest practitioner here. I remember Bill usually joining sesshins (接心・摂心, touching and embracing the heart) and quietly taking notes. Bill has been a school principal and knows how important it is to learn, thus “sit another thirty years” – now more than three decades. Dogen said, “Cultivation and verification of all dharmas through carrying around the self is delusion. Cultivation and verification of the self by all dharmas coming forward is awakening.” I read a report in an e-list of JUMP (Japan United for Ministry of Peace) visiting a small island Narushima. When the author said how beautiful Narushima was, 6th grade students said there are only mountains and the ocean. She said that they would someday understand how wonderful it is to have mountains, the ocean, and clean air, hinting that only a few things might be truly important. I commented that we should have mountains and oceans and that only heart and life are to be looked in and for. Carl Busse’s poem “Over the Mountains” tells us of our misguided notion of happiness over the mountains, thus always we must come home with tearful eyes. What we must do is come home, mountains and oceans – life source, and not going out in foreign dusty realms of matter and power, constantly fighting for them. We must come home to our life and heart, our original nature and core, without which nothing can exist and meaningful. We must orient our hearts from the origin, practicing the way cycle daily – enjoying amrita, ambrosia, immortality. 6/15/13 … Continue reading
Coming Home, Day 11
From the Carthusian monastery Aggsbach, I walked up into the area of the Dunkelsteinerwald (dark stone wood). It is a huge forest area where one can get lost. In the meadows and along the trail, lots of different plants were growing. I remembered my grandmother explaining the plants to us when we went for a walk with her. View to Danube from the Dunkelsteinerwald Meadow sage Clover Like my grandmother, my daughter Anna-Sophie knows a lot about plants and herbs. She joined the hike for this day. Like always, we had a great time together. The castle of Aggstein was full of stories from the past. A legend says that once there lived robbing knights who put an iron chain across the Danube when a ship was approaching. Each ship had to pay high taxes in order to pass. Ruins of Aggstein Text and pictures … Continue reading
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Home Coming, Day 10
Leaving the town of Melk, the path took me over meadows, fields and forests down to the Danube. Heavy fortification walls protected the castle of Schönbühel. I have always loved this place. In the distance, dark clouds were approaching. Slowly, it started to rain. Schönbühel at the Danube river Heavy mist slowly covered the valley. The rain made everything fresh and clean. In the forest, snails and fire salamander came out of their hiding places. The fire salamander got it‘s name from the superstitious belief that the secretion of the fire salamander extinguishes fire. In order to stop a fire in the past, these animals were thrown into it. Cellars along the lane View to the Danube Fire salamander on mossy root Path trough the beech woods forest I stayed overnight opposite a former Carthusian monastery. The first monastery of this orders started in Chartreuse, France in the 12th century. Carthusian monks are mostly hermits and dedicated to silence. In the 18th century, Emperor Josef II dissolved all contemplative order, so this monastery was dissolved. The church with the cloistered courtyard still exists. I loved the simplicity of the buildings. I still could feel the energy of hundreds of years long contemplation and silence. … Continue reading
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