Global Truth/Ethic 地球真理/倫理


Good morning!


Yesterday I shared my literal translation of the Buddha’s words (Samyutta Nikaya 3.8), answering to King Pasenadi’s question.:


All the directions can be visited by the mind.

Wherever it may go, nowhere is more beloved than the self.

Similarly for others each one’s self is beloved.

Therefore, never harm everyone’s the most loved self.


This can be admitted as a historical fact with the situation and content.


You can interpret the legendary words “Above and under the heaven only I am precious: Tenjo tenge yuiga dokuson” by him (after seven steps walking just after his birth) in line with the quoted verse. It is usually interpreted as “Only I am valuable or respectable”:


This saying was attributed to the Vipashin Buddha, first one of the Seven Buddhas, and there are different variations. Reading religious texts needs historical background, the true message of the religious expression, parable, etc. Fundamentalism, etc. misinterpret the texts literally, partially, etc., causing great problems in the society.


The history of religions advanced from family, tribe, race, nation, to the present world religions (spreading worldwide). Religion must further advance from the (homo-centric) world to (all inclusive – species, environment) global one. Religions have been uniting people into gradually larger harmonious communities. Religion can be defined as reunion with holiness (wholly wholesome) from sin (selfish sickness) in the universal truth and ethic (Dharma, Dao, Dei, etc. with 5/10 Precepts, 10 Commandments).


The Buddha’s intention was that we are all equally precious and no one should be harmed. Now we publicly admit this, but many people have such bias as above mistaken interpretation of the self and the self’s group – claiming only one’s race, religion, etc. is precious.  Nationalism is one of them to be transcended, because it is tightly bound by dictatorship, war, nuke, etc.


In the global age in all fields, we must advance from nationalism to globalism in equality, friendship, freedom, peace. Non harming is the first precept of the Buddha’s Five Precepts, which became the base of the Global Ethic. It calls all to observe it to maintain the holy harmonious, healthy, and happy world of individuals, societies, and eco systems.


Let’s continue our practice the universal truth/ethic!

Thank you!





















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