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Tag Archives: Zen
From Ego to Eco
Good morning! Did you see the moon? It’s now the half moon. The new moon cannot illuminate the world. When there are clouds, we cannot see the moon nor the moon can illuminate the world. If we are not interested in the moon, we don’t see it and care about its phases. The full moon is compared to the Buddha mind or heart, full free functioning, brightly illuminating the world. King Âdassa, Mirror, might have had the mirror-like face, mind, or heart – like the full moon, perfectly round and brilliant, illuminating the world and reflecting reality. He summoned blind people, to feel an animal and report it. They reported it is like a snake, a pillar, a wall, etc., and started fighting for their own truths – all only partial views, unlike his seeing all of this. Decades ago a taxi driver came here to learn Zazen only a few times and said that he got it 95%. We shouldn’t claim that we got Soto tradition by glancing Dogen interpretations, or Zen tradition by learning some sayings of it, or Buddhist teaching by reading hearsays. As Dogen said, the true Buddha Dharma was transmitted by Bodhidharma with the actual attainment. Bodhidharma taught it and transmitted to the second patriarch Eka (Huike) Daiosho only after having shown his determination by presenting his severed forearm after waiting in the deep snow. Aspirants for attainment at practice places must show their determinations despite dismissals and after long waiting and at least a week long sitting in Tangaryō (旦過寮, Passersby Dorm). As you know well, we have all kinds of problems in our world – wars, global warming, mass extinction, etc., all coming from ego, I, Ich, aham. Only seeing the small self, we do not see the whole world, eco. Eco, oikos, home, became essentially economy (oikos+nomos, home economy, domestic economy) and evading ecology (oikos+logos, home truth, universal truth). That is why we have so many problems and sufferings simply saving private economies, externalizing and excluding the public ecology and global ethic. Last week I talked about Soto, Zen, Buddhist teachings and traditions. Dogen said, “To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self. To learn the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be verified by all Dharmas…” … Continue reading
Posted in Awakened Way (Buddhism)
Tagged and Degenerate Dharma (三時:正法・像法・末法), Bodhidharma, Buddha Dharma, Buddhism: Purity Path, Dharma, Dogen, domestic economy, dropping off body/mind, ego defilement or leaks (āsava), Eka (Huike), five-part Dharma body, from ego to eco, global warming, gobun-hosshin, home economy, home truth, Imitation Dharma, karma, King Adassa, live on joy, mass extinction, Mirro, mundane truth (sammuti sacca), muro, neither coming nor going: Tathā-gata:Thus-being/Being-in-Thusness (如存), Nyoko, Nyorai, oikos+logos, oikos+nomos, Passersby Dorm), Poverty Path, Shakyamuni, Shikantaza (只管打坐), Soto, supramundane paramount truth (parama-attha sacca), Tangaryō (旦過寮, Tathāgata: Thus-come (Tathā-āgata, Three Eras of True Dharma, Thus-gone (Tathā-gata, uddha, undefiled (an-āsava, universal truth, Xuansha, Zen, 如去, 如来, 無漏)
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Dharma Transmission
Good morning! Now we have a lot of green around us. Cherry blossoms have almost gone, but red buds have started blooming. I hope you have enjoyed deep breathing and profound peace. When we breathe deep with the Buddha mind seal, we completely refresh our whole system – body, mind, and the world. Thus we merge into the cosmos like the great ocean or the great sky. Actually the sky is called sallila, ocean in India. Then, we are liberated from small smelly skin sacks, returning to the origin, becoming one with the Dharma Dhātu, Domain. Then only, we find out our true selves, the true body, the great ocean like life. Only then, we become awakened to the truth of our original nature. We find that we have been deluded by our small bodies and minds, and find that all sufferings we had are dispersed like dense fogs, dispelled like dark clouds, and come to know wherefrom sufferings come – all from small selves sticking to small sacks. But, we never know it, until we reach nirvana, vast space, great ocean, and see things from there further, wider, and deeper. It is like waking up from our dreadful dreams. Even though we work in our daily lives, thinking that we are wakeful, it is not enough, not awakened, bound by all kinds of delusions, which essentially come from our senses that our selves, skin sacks, are the most important things. From this delusion, we create all kinds of problems and sufferings. Unless we stop it and merge into this great ocean, we remain in suffering, never solving our problems, individual, social, and ecological. As you know, they are getting more and worse. So, if we really want to solve our problems and sufferings, we must become Buddhas, stop becoming bubbles, becoming selfless. Only our practice makes it possible and perfect. The Buddha found this truth 25 centuries ago, and he devoted his whole life to save all beings from sufferings. Many followers practiced in the same way as he did, and became Buddhas. In this way from generation to generation, the Buddha Way has been transmitted and succeeded without interruption. If we want to keep this tradition, we all must become Buddhas and keep it alive and active. The most important thing for Buddhas is to keep the Buddha Dharma persist perpetually (reihōgujū, 令法久住). How? Make next Buddhas. Otherwise, it stops there, and disappears. The Dharma, as you know now, is like the limitless ocean or space, awakened by the Buddhas beyond the small selves, bubbles and clouds. If we stick to our small selves or other things such as money, material things, we lose our Dharma and the Dharma life. Even we stick to our lives, we lose them, much more the Buddha Dharma. As I talked last Sunday “taking refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha (kimyō, … Continue reading
Posted in Dharma
Tagged " (ikkyoshu ittōsoku一挙手一投, "a separate transmission outside scriptures" (kyōgebetuden, "directly pointing the person's heart" (jikishi-ninshin, "from heart to heart" (i-shin den-shin, "not deluded about causality" (fumai inga, "not falling into causality"(furaku inga, "raising hands and taking steps, "seeing the true nature, "taking refuge in the Buddha, (Hōmyaku法脈), (Kechimaku, Ananda, and becoming the Buddha" (ken-sho jō- butsu, and Sangha (kimyō, Blood Line, Buddha, Buddha Dharma, Dharma, Dharma Dhatu, Dharma Line, Dogen, every move and, Fox Zen (yako-zen, Hyakujo, keep the Buddha Dharma persist perpetually (reihōgujū, Practice in Gratitude (Gyōji-hōon, Sangha, Significance of Cultivation and Verification (Shushōgi, storage of the right Dharma eye" (shōbōgenzō, suffering, tears for the Dharma (hōno tameno namida, the great ocean of Dharma (buppō-no taikai, unsurpassed complete right awakening (anuttara samyak sam-bodhi), Zen, 不昧因果), 不落因果), 仏法の大海), 令法久住), 以心伝心), 修証義, 帰命), 教外別伝), 正法眼蔵), 法の為の涙), 直指人 心), 血脈), 行持報恩), 見性成仏), 足), 野狐禅)
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Heart to Heart
Good evening! We had a nice sunny spring-like day. I saw that crocuses are just about to bloom. They are the expression of their hearts responding to the very heart of spring. In Zen tradition, we speak of “heart to heart” transmission. It is not just understandings and actions, but a heart to heart blood vein transmission. In full ordination, ordainees write the names of the Buddha Shakyamuni, Makakasho Daiosho, et al., and draw a blood vein connecting each one. The blood vein comes from the master to the disciple and then goes up to the Buddha again, so blood circulates in ceaseless cleanness and clarity. Thus, the blood fully and freely flows without defilement, degradation, or destruction, and all become wholly wholesome throughout time and space. Then, we can bloom like a lotus flower, which already contains fruit. So, our cultivation and verification are one. Let’s breathe fully and become free! 3/6/13
Awakened One’s Awakening Day
Good morning! Today, the eighth of December, is the day of the Buddha’s awakening. So, all over the world Zen practitioners, after seven day intensive sitting, celebrate his awakening – an unprecedented feast that solves all problems of all … Continue reading
Posted in Awakened Way (Buddhism)
Tagged and equanimity (upekhâ : lit. throwing away), awakening, beyond pleasure and pain/penance, Brahma's beseech, Brahmavihâra of friendship, Buddha, chan, compassion, defilements (klesha: zenma, dissatisfaction, everyday a good day (日日是好日:hibi-kore-koujitu), five coverings, four fluxes/leaks (âsava: 煩悩), global problematique, holy harmony/health/happiness, joy, lit. wrong going), meditation, meeting four people, nirvana, outing from four gates, shûnya (empty, six teachers/dogmatists/heretics (六師外道), substanceless), suffering, suffering (dukkha, Zen, Zen (jhâna, 染汚)
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Good morning! Now the moon is almost a half moon, changing from the fall full moon. Life is like morning dew on grass, swiftly disappearing. Ten students and two teachers from the Webster Works Worldwide program came and … Continue reading
Living Limitless Life
Good morning! We could see the very thin new moon earlier. Now we can see beautiful flowers at the altar – lilies showing spring. We have now passed a half month since spring solstice. Even though we have very … Continue reading
Posted in Awakened Way (Buddhism)
Tagged “Om mani padme hun”, and the Queen Shrimara’s Lioness Roar Sutra (勝鬘経), AT&T, awakened way, bodhisattva, dharma-dhatu mudrâ, Dogen, fighting devils, global warming, GM, hungry ghosts, jigsaw puzzle, life/gene-shared, Lotus Sutra (法華経), mass extinction, Sander, Six Ways/Worlds, the Purity-honored-one Sutra (維摩経), white heron in snowfield, wholly wholesome world, Zen
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Self-conquered Compassionate Conquerors
Good morning! We have now beautiful bright sunlight and the beautiful blue sky without clouds. And we have beautiful flowers at the altar and all the places. The winter air is crisp and clear; it felt cool and comfortable. … Continue reading
Posted in Awakened Way (Buddhism)
Tagged Amida (阿弥陀:Amita-âyus: Limitless Life or Amita-âbha: Limitless Light), amrita (ambrosia/immortality), Ashoka, Buddha, commoner (putthujana: pritujana: mass or prithagjana: separately born), Dogen, Fujiwara Culture, golden hall (金堂) of Chu-son-ji (中尊寺:Respecting Middle: Neutrality) Temple, holy truth/peace/goodness/beauty, Kamakura, karma cloud/wind, kasa-sotôbas (傘卒塔婆:umbrella stûpa: covered towers), Milinda (Menander: Menandros), Nagasena, or Blissfulness (Sukhavatî), prognosis (prajnâ: awakening: bodhi), Pure-land (浄土: jôdo), Shotoku, striver (samana/shramana), unconditioned peace, unsurpassed awakening, windless (nir-vâna), Zen
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