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Category Archives: Asankhata (asamskrita: unmade)
Awakened or Adumbrated
Good morning! We are now officially in spring, since February 4, so it is brighter and warmer now. Especially after sittings and service we feel brighter and warmer in harmony and happiness. Wholly wholesomeness depends on our practice in truth and peace. Even being born, we may become wolves or awakened ones depending on environment, education, effort, etc. Dr. Suzuki often told the story of girls fostered by wolves, and taught parents not to make their children wolves. Villagers in the suburbs of Kolkota (Calcutta) found monsters like wolves with long hair, glaring eyes, etc. in the forest, and caught them. They ran on all fours, could see in the darkness and smell meat more than 200 feet away, howled with other wolves at certain times at night, and were like and liked animals more than human children even after they were caught and put into an orphanage. They were discarded by their parents and saved and raised by wolves. They seemed to be girls of two and seven when they were found. The younger one was named A-mala and the older one Ka-mala. Amala died one year later, but the older one survived eight more years. Kamala could not understand the death of Amala for a day, but she shed streaks of tears, noticing no more movement in her, after she tried to move her, open her eyes, etc. Kamala gradually adjusted to the human world and behavior, but she never stopped howling with other wolves. Recently I watched an NHK program titled Science for Everyone, where they discussed the discovery of the mechanism of weather-related pains (pains in bad weather) and our heart ability. They found that weather pains are caused by a disturbance in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) in the inner ear. It excites air pressure sensor cells, which disturbs the lymph, which contradicts the visual sense, whose perplexity causes sympathetic nerves to excite the pain nerves, causing pain and the nerves around the capillaries to cause swelling. Another aspect of pain is heart ability. The subject endures up to the endurable amount of electric shock. Then, he is given a special ball made of special material from South America to block the electric shock on his palm. He could then endure up to the maximum test point, where ordinary people cannot endure. The ball was, in fact, nothing but an ordinary rubber ball. The relationship between the heart and … Continue reading
Posted in Asankhata (asamskrita: unmade), Dharma, Karma, Karma World, War, Zen
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Ending Endless Enmities
Good morning! Now it is February. Time flies! Life empties! Did you hear about a Japanese journalist who was decapitated by ISIS members? It is a detestable savagery. They warned the Japanese Prime Minister that any Japanese anywhere is now in danger because of his participation in the Voluntaries, to destroy them. It is a horrendous and ominous thing, but we must know why it happened. The Japanese have been considered a peace loving people, with its Peace Constitution renouncing wars and weaponry after their atomic bomb experience of 70 years. Prime Minister Abe wanted to change that history with revisionist views and bellicose venting to work with allies anywhere in the world. He visited the Middle East to give aid to countries to contain ISIS. We must mentally orient to the source (yoniso manasi-kāra) – why it came out – to take revenge against the Iraq War allies! The Buddha said: “Abused me, hurt me, conquered me, robbed me.” For those who hold a grudge, enmity is never appeased. Dhp. 3 … Continue reading
Meditation Merits
Good morning! Yesterday I sent an article to our listserve on meditation merits: regrowing DNA’s terminating Telomeres and rebuilding the brain’s gray matter in 8 weeks. Early scientific study started with brain wave research: increasing alpha waves. Its merits have been known for several thousand years as the Zen posture, like the Buddha’s, was found in a Indus civilization artifact. Dogen said its merits are limitless. Limitless merits are made through different levels of meditation, eventually in nirvana as the merit of melting limitless karma complexes. Karma kinetics are in the fight or flight fatigue mode of struggle for survival. Sitting stills all strife, stress, and suffering in the free and full function mode of serenity in salvation. Last Sunday we talked about Dhammapada verse 11, on misconceiving non-essence as essence and vice versa, whose counterpart is verse 12 as follows: Those who know essence as essence and non-essence as non-essence Witness essence living in the realm of right thinking. Dhp. 12 Humans out of their self-survival instincts strive to acquire, accumulate, and amass matters, mights, and moneys limitlessly, considering them as essence and essential, even sacrificing the true limitless liberation, light, love, and life. Essence (sāra) is not rigid like heartwood, but fluid like essence or spirit extracted from plants or grains, essence or core (coeur) of all things. Essence is amrita, ambrosia of immortality, or nirvana – no-wind of karmas, karma creations of matters, mights, moneys, and mine or me, material and mortal. The amrita gate is opened by the Buddha for limitless meditation merits for all, but only attained by those who enter through it with actual application to themselves with cultivation/verification. Practice perfects. 1/25/15 … Continue reading
Essential or Non-Essential
Good morning! Yesterday in Japan people had the 20th Anniversary Memorial Ceremony of the Great Earthquake in Hanshin Awaji with more than 6,000 casualties. Four years ago they had the Great Earthquake in East Japan with more than … Continue reading
Appreciating Amrita, Ambrosia, Immortality
Good morning! There were almost no cars or people around on the way here early in the morning this Sunday, but there are beautiful flowers all around – lilacs, redbuds, dogwoods, crab apples, spireas, creeping phlox, and so forth. Spring is the season of all buds and plants springing out and up. In Japanese we say moeru (萌える) or moe-izuru (萌え出る), igniting, bolting, burning, and flaring out and up. Blooming, we also say laughing – buds that are tightly shut loosen up and open with the warm sun and compassionate rain. Only when they open and laugh can they bear fruit. Yesterday I saw germination everywhere and a lot of seedlings crowding together, so separated them to transplant and provide enough space for them. I saw trees too bushy and crowded too close together, shading each other, and branches becoming withered after decades, even though as tiny trees they were first well arranged and planted with rocks. So, I transplanted a couple. Their roots are now grown and getting under the rocks, so it was difficult to dig them out. I hope those trees with their roots cut can survive with enough roots established in the ground. One tree was trimmed, but the other was left untrimmed to keep its good shape. Usually we cannot imagine how things will change in the decades and centuries to come. When plants become too crowded and compete with each other, they damage each other and even die partially or totally with less light, wind, water, etc. So, they need sufficient space to survive with necessities. In our life also we often lack the prognosis of far and wide perspective and whole and wholesome priority. Our short- sights and short-circuits stop short in me-ism, materialism, militarism, and money- ism, sacrificing wholly wholesome truth, peace, harmony, goodness, and beauty in crowding and competing. When I trimmed down the thick and tall branches of the burning bush in front of the windows, all around became open and bright with good growth and a vibrant view. If we stop karma conditioning and settle into sitting like great old trees firmly rooted in the truth earth, openly receiving the goodness of the sun, widely spreading beatitude branches, and deeply breathing the life air, we can appreciate amrita, ambrosia of immortality, each moment and into eternity with flaming greens, … Continue reading
Zen and the Brain
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEIXijQctlQ – Contributed by Soho –
Posted in Asankhata (asamskrita: unmade), Zen
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Equanimity in Equinox
Good morning! Today is the equinox, a time of equal day and night and balanced heat and chill, thus called Higan (彼岸), Other Shore or Nirvana. We celebrate it with all buddhas, past, present, and future. Japanese people consider deceased ancestors to be hotoke-sama (仏様), respectable buddhas, as they are in the other world beyond karmic transmigration, samsara. Of course it is better to become a buddha while alive, enjoying unconditioned peace, nirvana, and unsurpassed awakening, anuttara samyak sambodhi. We could still see the brilliant beautiful full moon in the clear cool autumn sky this morning. I walked in the dense dewed grass to harvest greens for our sesshin meal. When we started sitting, I saw the reflected moonlight moving into the window and passing through it. It is only in this point of place and time that the full moon reflection is on this floor. Our life moment is like this, with specific scenes in specific space and time. Basho saw the full moon going around the pond throughout the night and made the following haiku: The renowned moon, I went around the pond Throughout the night. Meigetsu-ya Ike-wo megurite Yomosugara 名月や 池を巡りて 夜もすがら Basho must have enjoyed the clear cool full moon reflected in the pond, moving with the moving of the reflection of the moon. We may see only the reflections on the wooden floor or water surface. Dogen could see the real full moon, representing the Buddha mind/heart, and also the true Buddha heart/mind. He appreciated the big bright full moon in the broad beautiful sky throughout the night exactly 760 years ago, making his last waka poem just a fortnight before passing away: Even in the autumn, when I’d expect to see it again, I could not have slept … Continue reading
Sole Solution Salvation Satisfaction
Good morning! Tonight we can see the full moon, if it clears up. The full moon represents the Buddha heart, full and free in calm and clear conditions, illuminating the world. Two days ago we had summer solstice, the longest day and thus now we are having shorter and shorter days, though it seems like we are still having longer and brighter days. The Buddha heart is awakened to the three dharma marks of impermanence, suffering (duk-kha, going against wishes), and no-self (“self” substance), the fourth being nirvana (unconditioned peace). The Buddha taught us that to be born as a human being is very rare like a blind turtle living at the bottom of ocean coming to its surface once in a hundred years, which happens to stick its head into a hole of a floating log by rare chance; and that it is far more seldom to meet the Awakened Way. All creatures are blinded by karmas, and humans are further blinded by their evolved brains and bodies. That is why humans have been creating problems – pollutions of ABC (atomic, biological, chemical) weapons coming from the triple poisons. Humans with their hubris regard themselves as the best among creatures, but actually they can be worst among themselves and against the whole world. We are destroying the wholly wholesome life system and possibly annihilating it at any moment with nukes. Humans perpetually promote pollution and are prepared to precipitate mass extinction with the five calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination. We seem to lack cognition, concern, and countermeasures, as if someone provided the worst weapons to mad men. We observe the Six Ways (or Destinies) of hell beings, hungry ghosts, fighting devils, animal beings, human beings, and celestial beings. We ourselves go through these Ways, and often worse than them, polluting all, individually, socially, and ecologically. The triple poisons of thirst (Pali: taṅhā/Sanskrit: tṛṣṇā), anger (dosa/doṣa), and delusion (moha/moha) essentially come from nescience (avijjā/avidyā, no witness), and not seeing the true nature of the Dharma of Dependent Origination (allphenomena dependently originated on causes and conditions, thus substanceless (suñña/śūnya). The sole solution of it is to sit still and serene, stop karmas, settle in nirvana, see the Dharma (witness the Four Dharma Marks), save it, and serve it. Thus only can we be … Continue reading
Vesak Day Dharma Vision
Thank you for your participation in the Vesak Day (commemorating Buddha’s Birthday, Awakening, and Parinirvāna, Perfect Nirvana) celebration! This is a good occasion for us to reflect and relive the Buddha’s Way. He opened the great gate of amrita, ambrosia … Continue reading
Posted in Asankhata (asamskrita: unmade)
Tagged amrita (ambrosia/immortality), Buddha, Buddhahood, Carl H. Busse (1872-1918), chan, Dharma Dhatu, dharma of dependent origination, dhyâna, Four Stages of Zen (Jhāna, happiness, karma, karma heir/relative/machine, live on joy, meditation, nirvana, Parinirvāna: Perfect Nirvana, Pure heart: pure land, tornado, Vesak Day, Vimalakirti, Zazen (sitting zen)
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Great Gate of Gratitude and Giving
Good morning! Japan have now entered in the rainy season. Buddhists in India used to have the Rain Retreat, which became Ango, Peaceful Retreat, for three months all over the world. Ango is the time to have the intensive sitting and study for the Buddhist goal of unconditioned peace, nirvana, and unsurpassed right, complete awakening, anuttara samyak sambodhi. Anyone regardless of age, area, race, religion, gender, genus, etc. can attain them with sincere striving. Buddhas and Successors, being so merciful, made the great gate of compassion open. This was to let all living beings enter it for verification. Who, among human beings and celestial beings, would hesitate to go through it? Even though the retribution for the evil deeds of the Three Times will be received without fail, repentance replaces a heavy retribution with a lighter one and extinguishes and purifies sins. – Dogen, Shushogi, 修証義, Significance of Cultivation and Verification Nirvana is supramundane, surpassing all mundane matters, maladies, and miseries of money-ism, militarism, materialism, essentially coming from me-ism. It transcends all samsara suffering of birth, breach, sickness, separation, languishment, loss, disaster, death, etc. It realizes awakening in amrita, ambrosia of immortality. Live on joy in the Dharma beyond home, job, even food in gratitude, giving it to families, friends, flora, and fauna – all beings. 5/27/13 Note: Ango (安居, Safe/Comfortable Living/Residing) is the three month retreat with intensive sitting, study, sewing, samu (作務, doing duty), ceremony, etc. now practiced all over the world, started in India as its rainy season retreat (雨安居, u- ango) lest wondering renunciants should disturb and destroy living beings and system. The practice leader (Shuso, 首座) among monks have special duties, Dharma combat-ceremony (hossen-shiki, 法戦-式 ), and can be fully ordained. … Continue reading
Posted in Asankhata (asamskrita: unmade)
Tagged amrita: ambrosia of immortality, Ango:安居: Safe/Comfortable Living/Residing, anuttara samyak sambodhi, complete awakening, Dharma combat-ceremony: hossen-shiki:法戦-式, Dogen, Head monk: practice leader: Shuso, rainy season retreat: 雨安居: u-ango, Shushogi, Significance of Cultivation and Verification, unconditioned peace (nirvana), unsurpassed right, 修証義, 首座)
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