Only Practice Makes Perfect

Good evening!


Now we can see the bright moon in the cold and clear winter sky. The news reported the death sentence handed down to the former Egyptian president for mass murder. There may be presidents or dictators for decades or generations, mass murdering, executing and exploiting. In the end, however, it will come back to them like the certain, clear waxing and waning cycle of the moon.


Buddhism tells the three times of results ripening from our karmas: immediately, in the near future, and in the far future. Even if certain groups or even nations may admit or advocate mass murdering, stealing, those who are complicit get their karma results clearly carved in and known by all beings. That’s why we must strive in the triple learning of morality (sîla), concentration (samâdhi), and prognosis (prajñâ).


Dogen said that gyoji-dokan (行持道環) or the sustained practice way-cycle of aspiration, action, awakening, and unconditioned peace must go on. If we stop it, we cannot attain unconditioned peace (nirvana) and unsurpassed awakening (anuttara sambodhi). If we sustain it, we can attain the result like the certain, clear waxing and waning cycle of the moon. Only our own sustained practice makes our life and world perfect.





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