Human Hells

Good evening!


Today we got the news of 9,000 radiation-caused cancer cases per year near the Indian Point nuclear power plant, located 25 miles from New York City. The other day we received other news of children’s cancer deaths by the nuclear power plant near Chicago. Not only people, but the whole planet is contaminated by radiation from nuclear reactions.


Humans are not supreme among creatures, but rather at the bottom among the six ways of living beings. After extensive study, the European Committee on Radiation Risk has concluded that nuclear bombs and plants are crimes against humanity. Not only are they against humans, but also against all living beings and life system for millions of years.


Humans have been creating such poisons as plutonium – named for Pluto, the king of Hades – creating hells. Unless we clearly see the three poisons as poisoning not only others, but also ourselves, we will definitely destroy our world. That is why we must sit down, stop karma, and see our real human status and situation in this closely knit world.


Humans have the ability to stop simply changing others, but to change themselves, finding true joy and happiness together with all beyond time and space, and tasting amrita, ambrosia of immortality. So, the ongoing occupy movements must be occupied with the true cultivation and verification of the awakened way with and for all.



100 nuke-related cancer children’s memorials

NHK Special, “Tracing the Truth”

(groundless ICRP permissible dosage)

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