Morning Star




Because we got up early and came here to practice zazen, we can see the full moon in the west and the morning star in the east through our windows.


Seeing the morning star, the Buddha was awakened. For many years he strived hard to solve the problems of life and death, not only his own, but of all. He solved those problems, stopping suffering.


Appreciating the full moon, King Pasenadi and Queen Mallika agreed that the dearest thing is one’s own self. Feeling this conclusion to differ a little from the Buddha’s teaching, they visited him and asked if it was right.


The Buddha said, “Yes, it is. But others find their own selves to be most dear. So, you must find others’ selves to be most dear also.” We tend to fall short of this, shortsighted and short-circuited.


Without going beyond habits of self – conviction of instinct, fatalism, ideas of original sin, etc. – it is difficult to practice, much less realize unconditioned peace and unsurpassed awakening. 


Without actual doing, we cannot see the morning star and appreciate the full moon in the physical world, much less the way the Buddha could in the awakened mind.




Star in the east

The full moon

In the west!









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