Practice of Penetrating Purity and Peace

Good evening!


We had a very hot day today, but we can sit and stop our karma, going beyond heat and chill, even entering into a world with neither heat nor chill.


But, in a hot spot of radiation, we cannot sit and stop radiation. Once irradiated from inside, our whole life is damaged, and even our descendents’ lives, through genes, forever.


Once we decide to use nuclear power, we will have radiation damage constantly and forever. But, once we decide to stop it, we will at least have no disaster, even if we have the remaining waste problems.


The Buddha said,


Better than living one hundred years not seeing birth and death is living one day seeing birth and death.


Better than living one hundred years not seeing immortality is living one day seeing immortality.


Better than living one hundred years not seeing the highest dharma is living one day seeing the highest dharma.


When Angrimala, a serial killer, met an elephant delivering its baby with great difficulty, its owner asked him to say true words, to save it from suffering.


Angrimala went back to the Buddha for his advice. The Buddha told him to say that he never committed killing since his birth, his true birth in truth.


Once we change our minds and practice the awakened way, we go beyond all karmas, with the change of our whole past and future, infinitely.


We stop all karmas, especially the three poisons of attachment, aversion, and delusion, which cause damage and death, and we settle in penetrating purity and peace.


One day of the essential praxis of this buddhas’ practice, sitting and stopping karmas, saves one’s whole life to eternity, together with the whole world.




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