Blissful in Beatitude


Good morning!


The sound of rain falling on leaves is soothing to settle in peace, as we usually don’t work outdoors. Yutaka Tatsuno, essayist, said, “I like rain so much and suspect my ancestors were frogs.” We all have evolved through reptile stages in the past and life started under water, and are thus like water. Rain makes plants greener and fresher and animals livelier and refreshed.


Especially in Great Respite with great respiration we enter the Dharma gate of pure peace and bliss. We are in pure peace and bliss in nirvana beyond any karma complex: samsara and suffering. Su-kha, well-going or going with the grain, pleasant or blissful in beautitude, is the opposite of duk-kha, wrong-going or going against the grain, unpleasant or suffering in samsara.


Sukha-vatī means pleasant-ful, blissful state or realm, though not really the Pure-land or Paradise of the West, where the sun sets and perhaps the soul settles. Sukha-vatī is here and now, not in another place and time separated from the striver in the Awakened Way. The Buddha, Awakened One, was awakened to the Dharma of Dependent Origination of psycho-physical realms.


Terrorists believing in Paradise after death are irrational and unscientific in the belief of enjoyment of a blissful life after death, decomposition of psycho-physical existence. Terrorists and extended suiciders can never be happy in an afterlife, much less in this life. The Awakened Way can never be misbelieving, superstitious, irrational, and unscientific.















2019共通年6月8日 法話



















































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