Zazen, Core Cultivation: 核修行の坐禅


Good morning!


Last week we talked about Zazen stilling karma, reaching the universal truth and ethic. The Buddha called it “mahā assāsa,” (great ease, lit. great respiration). Dogen called it “anraku-no hōmon” (Dharma-gate of pure peace and bliss, lit. Dharma-gate of comfort-ease). It is the great respite or relief from karma life in pure peace and bliss (cf. Buddhaghosa’s Visuddhi-magga, Purity Way).


We had a shooting spree killing 12 people here in the U.S. and an extended suicide, killing two and injuring 18, in an attack on children waiting for their school bus in Japan. Killing is the cardinal crime by karma kinetics, not clarified and committed by karma-machines, which can be avoided by cultivation and verification through Zazen, the core cultivation of the Awakened Way. Crimes are essentially extended suicides.


Zazen is the cultivation of the self and verification of the Dharma, where one can witness one’s own original face or the true nature of all, no separate substantial self, but the Dharma of Dependent Origination of all phenomena, dharmas. If we learn this universal truth constantly and continuously, we observe the universal ethic of no killing, stealing, lying, sexual misconduct, desire, divisiveness, and delusion.


The Eight Holy Paths of the Four Holy Truths show clearly how to cultivate ourselves in stilling karma (ethic) and seeing Dharma (truth) by the Triple Learning of sīla (morality), samādhi (concentration), and prajňā (prognosis), psycho-physically; intellectually, emotionally, and insightfully; essentially by encompassing samādhi or Zazen. We must develop more how to share with others.


July 1, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk




先週私達は坐禅が業を静めて普遍的真理と倫理に到達することを話しました。仏陀はそれを「mahā assāsa 偉大なる休息」(文字通りには大いなる一息)と言いました。道元はそれを「安楽の法門」と言いました。それは業生活からの偉大な休息即ち解放です。(ブッダゴーサの著「Visuddhi-magga清浄道論」参照)




坐禅は自己の修行であり法の確証ですが、そこで人は「分離された実体としての自我」というようなモノは無く、一切の法(即ち現象)が縁起したものであるという法(即ち、現象の法則・真理)を、自らの「本来の面目」即ち「一切の真実の性質」であると確証することが出来るのです。 もし私達がこの普遍的法を常時・継続して学ぶならば、不殺、不盗、不偽、不邪淫、不貪瞋痴の普遍的倫理を守るのです。


四聖諦の(第四である)八聖道は、本質的には禅定即ち坐禅が包括している、戒定慧―sīla (戒律), samādhi (禅定), and prajňā (般若・智恵)―の三学により身心を知情意の面から業を静めて法を見ることで私達自ら修養することを明らかに示しています。私達は(これを)他者と共有する方法をもっと開拓しなければなりません。


2019共通年6月1日 法話






































The above pictures were taken and sent by 

Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, Shimoda, Japan 





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