Small Self to Saintly Soul 小さな自我から聖なる霊性へ

Good morning!

The first Zen koan tells: When the Buddha held up a flower, Mahakashapa smiled. The flower most probably was a lotus flower, symbolizing a fragrant beautiful flower untouched by muddy water, which already contains fruit inside its flower pedals. Sitting, as you already experienced, contains the fruit of a calm clear state in itself, a glimpse of nirvana and bodhi (awakening) in itself.

The legend of the Brahma’s beseeching of the Buddha to go into the world, when he found it deeply sunken in the laya (layers of karma), and being inclined to stay inside the forest enjoying nirvana, says that he thought about lotus flowers – while most were deeply sunken under muddy water, some were about peep out, and a few were already blooming. So, he spent the next 45 years sharing his way with all.

We say, “Kame-no kō yori toshi-no kō,” lit. Better than a tortoise shell is age merit (Age wisdom is better than a tortoise shell – tortoises were believed to live ten thousand years). North Korea now wants to have peace in Korea, Asia, and the world. Hooligans easily fight, but adults remain calm. Small selves seek strife, but saintly souls (mahā-ātmā, lit. great self) stay satisfied.

All fallacies can be summed up in mini-max (micro-macro) fallacy to take mini as max, taking ego as great and important as eco. Individual, social, national, racial, etc. ego is the culprit of all problems and sufferings. Me-ism is the source of materialism, militarism, money-ism, creating pyramidal civilizations (money-character tower: 金字塔), ignoring holy (wholly wholesome) truth and ethic.


















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