Stilling Karma, Seeing Dharma:業静止で法正観



Good morning!


We are now surrounded by beautiful flowers – cherry, red buds, lilacs, azaleas – especially after sitting in serenity. Sesshin is embracing the heart/mind and touching them. The Buddha often referred to “door-guarding” (dvāra-gutta) of leaks (āsava: defilements: bonno) leaking out. Yesterday I dug up mint roots, a thick interwoven network, and was reminded of karma, originally planted for its scent, but now spreading in the vegetable garden.


My Japanese garden is getting crowded with growing bushes. We must have prognosis, far insight and experienced skill, in time and space in everything. Still sitting stills karma, seeing truths/phenomena (dharma), thus serving and saving them. Seeing dharmas makes us awakened from delusion, like awaking from dreams, and saving them gives us prognosis (prajňā/paňňā), as we know how our hearts/minds, i.e., our worlds, work.


The four stages of Zen (chan, jhāna) advance with the discarding of conceptions, emotions (represented by the five coverings of lust/desire, covetousness/malevolence, sloth/drowsiness, agitation/worry, and doubt), volitions (represented by the four leaks of lust, becoming, views, and nescience). Discarding and discarding of its sense leads to freedom of heart/mind and nirvana (no wind of karma, from which coverings and leaks appear), thus door-guarded.


Trees are said to communicate among themselves by gas, etc. Humans communicate by languages, etc. Tree and true came from the common root of dhṝ, the root of dharma. Languages single out and stultify phenomena, strengthened by emotions, etc. Thus, we must cultivate our karmas to verify dharmas, like cultivating land and verifying its produce. The Buddha said that one can put on shoes, it’s not necessary to spread leather all over the world.


4/29/18 C.E. Dharma talk

















































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