Human Hypnosis

Good morning!

We have a nice spring Sunday with bright sunlight, a lot of flowers inside and out, and a nice breeze coming through the window. We have cherry blossoms in full bloom at the altar and amaryllis at the window.

We can enjoy them, but somehow, at the back of our minds, we know there’s the disaster in Japan. Usually at this time in Japan people are celebrating the cherry blossoms in full bloom. They celebrate the Flower Festival on April 8, commemorating the birth of the Buddha, bathing the baby Buddha with sweet tea water.

In this season, everywhere in Japan, people are enjoying the cherry blossoms in parks, along riverbanks, in or at the foot of the mountains – beautiful like spring mist or clouds. They enjoy drinking, eating, singing, and even dancing. But I don’t think people will do these things now because of the triple tragedy of the record earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear crises still continuing and even worsening.

Now they’re finding the radiation contamination leaking into seawater at the rate of 1,000mSv/hr. against the legal limit of 1mSv/yr. So there is no way to approach the contaminated area to fix the leak. The critical cooling system of the reactors also cannot be fixed due to the high radiation, and thus the fuel is exposed, melted, and heating up, with a breach in the pressure vessel, the last resort for safety.

Radiation is contaminating the air, water, and earth, reaching the water table, vegetables, milk, etc. – even contaminating milk across this country. But the government says it is safe for now, even while no safe threshold for radiation is admitted. Especially when radioactive particles are taken into our bodies, there is constant irradiation from the inside, damaging our life functions.

Some nuclear fission byproducts are a thousand times stronger than the linking force of a chromosome. Plutonium, named after the King of Hell, disrupts, damages, and destroys cells’ dividing processes, destroying blood cells, causing leukemia, disrupting cell growth abnormally to make cancer, etc.

Kamonochomei (???:1155-1216C.E.), who lived a little before Dogen (??: 1200-1253C.E.), wrote an essay titled “Hojoki,” (???: Record from the Ten Foot Square Hut), where he lived and observed the world. It begins thus:

“The stream of the running river is incessant, and thus, it is not the original water. Bubbles floating on the stagnant water are disappearing and appearing, not staying long. People and their residences are also like this.”?

In a natural setting, however, people and residences can still last some while, with enjoyment of the seasons – flowers, birds, the moon, the wind, and snow – nature and natural life. Kamonochomei recorded a major earthquake, similar to the recent instance, that took place in the era of Jogan (??). Once an earthquake happens, it can cause enormous tsunamis, destroying thousand or tens of thousands of people, houses, etc.

Human disasters can cause hundreds or thousands of times greater destruction than natural disasters. Some people thought that they could get nuclear energy by splicing atomic nuclei, the safe unit of matter and life. Even if we could splice them, we don’t know how to control radiation and radioactive materials like plutonium, which does not exist in the natural world but is only made by men.

In the natural world, even though humans have delusion, craving, and hatred, we can control these things and come back to truth like trees, which live thousands of years or more. Like trees, we can live in peace, truth, holiness, and harmony. But once we destroy nature, especially the fundamental life elements, we cannot live in peace, truth, and harmony.

Fifty tons of death ash, the equivalent of 50,000 Hiroshima A-bombs, is produced every year in Japan. Ten times this amount is produced worldwide. How can we control such a large amount of death ash? It must be stored, cooled, and entombed millions of years. It is stored in decaying drums, emitting deadly radiation in a few minutes.

Why do we need these things – for electricity, enjoyment, economic gain? With our greed, hatred and, essentially, delusion, we don’t care about other species or other generations. The company causing this disaster must enforce blackouts from area to area. People have started saving energy, electricity, etc., making it possible to dispense with the blackouts. Mankind has lived without electricity for millions of years.

Only recently have we started using electricity and even nuclear bombs, which have brought about nuclear power production. It was revealed that politicians wanted nuclear bombs and thus started the nuclear power industry in Japan and perhaps elsewhere. There are still tens of thousands of nuclear warheads targeting big cities here. There is no guarantee that mistakes or mishaps won’t happen on the hair-trigger launch system.

So, we need to really see this crazy situation of delusion, greed, and anger. We need to sit down, calm down, and see the reality of our situation. We face not only problems relating to nuclear power, but an entire complex of critical issues forming the global problematique (global warming, etc., interconnected) and the sixth mass extinction.

Most of us are ignorant of these things, and we remain in delusion, greed, and hatred. So, indeed, it is crucial that we sit down, settle in peace, truth, and harmony, not only for ourselves, but for all beings in the present and future. We should not be too selfish and so small.


Note: ?The quoted text in original: ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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