Individual Karma, Shared Karma, Non-karma

Good evening!


We had a very warm day going up to seventy. We got the news that the economic damage related with the severe weather was the biggest ever. This is the shared karma.


A few days ago someone sat for the first time and came again the next day. He told us that he could have very sound sleep because of sitting. This is an individual karma.


We receive shared karmas as well as individual ones such as global warming and nuclear radiation. So, we must work with other selves, societies, species through space and time.


So, we must sit stopping karma and act with others. The former is the practice on cushion and the latter off cushion. Our practice benefits our selves, societies, and other beings.


All are interrelated. Our karma has the endless ripple effect in time and space. As each action or non-action has its effects in limitless ways, we must be awakened and wakeful.





This entry was posted in Awakened Way (Buddhism), Cultivation: culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Global warming, Nuclear bombs, nuclear disaster, Nuclear plants, Philosophy, Religion, System, Uncategorized, Voluntary simplicity, War, Zen and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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