See the Sun the Source of Self

Good morning!


When we came here we could see the brilliant beautiful sun and the colorful fall foliage and now more bare trees without leaves. In our busy daily lives we have no time to appreciate them and think about their values as if thinking the sun in the daytime useless.


Without the sun no life is possible. We think and act forgetting the source and the system of our life. We run after and fight for things, wandering through the Six Ways of hell beings, hungry ghosts, beastly beings, human beings, and celestial beings.


We are too concerned about making money, matter, and me, not taking care of the world being destroyed. We need to sit down and see wherefrom our life comes, how our life is made possible. We need to value the holy truth, goodness, and beauty of the world and our life.


We must see beyond limited things so that we can take care of and solve our problems. Much less we should not sacrifice the whole world for the small selves. We must be awakened from our delusions and desires so that we can live on joy with the whole world.



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