Contacting, Communicating People, Plants, and Planets

Good morning!


We have a beautiful Sunday morning with bright sunlight and a clear autumn atmosphere in peace and truth.


The Buddha said,


Better than the one who would live one hundred yearsnot seeing birth and death is the one who would live one day seeing birth and death.


He spoke in the same way about amrita, ambrosia or immortality, and the highest dharma.


We live in up and down, birth and death, prosperity and demise. We have a lot of things going on now. Dictators are disappearing in many places. People are now occupying streets and squares all over the world, disillusioned with the present situations: political, economic, social, and cultural.


Certainly we have a lot of problems not only in our human world, but also now throughout the globe. I forwarded some articles on environmental, economic, and political situations, showing that a small number of people or companies are controlling most of our world.


One article studying top 43,060 companies found that the top 147 (0.3%) of them are connected to and control 40% of the entire network (which may control all companies). They are connected with other institutions – countries, media, educational institutions. But this cannot go on, either in our human system or the global system.


This pyramidal system is essentially me-ism, materialism, and militarism throughout the self, society, and civilization, which is unnatural. There is no one-directional pyramidal system in nature. The natural life system is one cyclical, wholesome whole. Dictators or dominators discriminate, exploit, and exterminate their subjects.


The Buddha didn’t want to become a monarch. Monarchs are dictators. He wanted to become buddha, awakened in totality. And he attained amrita, beyond birth and death, and lived always on joy in this amrita state, unconditioned peace, not conditioned by karma, which is me-ism, materialism, militarism, and birth-death.


He knew why we have birth and death, and how we make the ocean of blood and tears. So, he renounced such a world of samsara, transmigration, and suffering. He knew how to attain amrita, which is possible for anyone, anywhere, any time – not monopolized by dictators or specialists, special positions or possessions, but universal truth and peace.


So, the Buddha sat, stopped karmas, and saw birth and death, amrita, and the highest dharma always with all, always wandering, contacting, and communicating with people, plants, and planets, enjoying the sun and stars, flowers and falling leaves in limitless liberation, light, love, life, and learning. Learning is cultivation, gyôji, praxis, essential to taste amrita.


Whenever we sit, we reach and witness it. We and the whole world can do so. We don’t need pyramidal systems. We don’t need to shut ourselves in pyramids or coffins – old civilization pyramids and new nuclear coffins collapse. When coffins collapse, we can enjoy the open air, golden wind, golden leaves, the bright sun, and beautiful flowers.


We can see the ultimate dharma, and we should share how we can be in peace and truth here and now, anywhere and any time, even without food, much less military powers. Those things are, rather, impediments to truth and peace, damaging our bodies, minds, and the whole world. So, let’s practice and enjoy truth, peace, harmony, and holy happiness.



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