Hungry Hurried Humans

Good morning!


Now the full moon is quickly becoming the crescent moon and the autumn weather is swiftly approaching to the winter weather.


The television broadcast the security camera recording a child hit by a car in a city in China. Eighteen people just passed by one by one, even another car – running over the child.


The Fukushima Prefecture Council voted to shut down all nuclear reactors in its territory after the deluge-disaster. What are people in such a rush that they cannot help this child and others?


The Japanese government is to extend emergency evacuation zone from 10km to 30km. Why are we taking more and more risk for matter, and power leaving our mind and life?


Why can’t we sit, settling in pure peace and prognosis in limitless life and mind, rather than running after limited matter and power losing our true treasures?


We had better live in the brahma-viharâ, holy pure abode, rather than occupying or occupied by place and time. We had better see this interdependent, impermanent world.


We had better live on joy seeing birth and death, amrita (ambrosia/immortality), and the highest dharma in limitless equanimity, joy, compassion, and friendship.




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