Equanimity, Equality, Enjoyment

Good morning!


Now we are at the equinox, the best time with clear, calm air and the bright moon illuminating the world.


Now, on the other side of the globe, however, a typhoon with floods and storms is wreaking havoc.


When we sit still and serene, we enjoy equanimity without winds of karma, surges of suffering, and clouds of nescience, like the clear, calm surgeless sea and cloudless sky.


We can live in a pure realm of equanimity, compassion, friendship, and joy,* and embrace all with giving, loving words, beneficial actions, and sameness.**





*   Four Brahma-vihâra (pure, holy living: 四梵住: shibonjû, later interpreted as Brahma’s residence. cf. brahma-cariyâ: 梵行pure practice/career: celibacy) = Fourfold limitlessness: cattâso appamaññâyo: 四無量: shimuryô)

** Cattâri sangaha-vatthâûni (four embracing matters: 四摂事: shishôji = 四摂法:shishôbô)


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