What should we do to save the world? 私達は世界を救う為に何をすべきか?

What should we do to save the world?

We were at 100 seconds before the end of the world according to the Doomsday Clock before Russia invaded Ukraine, but it has been shortened, as Putin has threatened to use nuclear weapons at his discretion. This war has been causing hundreds of thousands of people to be killed, tortured, raped, injured, displaced, orphaned, and starved, and the country’s infrastructure and the world’s economy and food distribution chain are in tatters. Global warming has been causing heatwaves, droughts, a rise in sea levels, and abnormal climates – more tornadoes, typhoons, flooding, land slides, and other adverse events. A mass extinction of species is eliminating familiar and beneficial animals and plants. The artificial, unidirectional pyramidal civilization is expanding the separation between rich and poor, creating dictators, arms races, refugees, crimes, etc. The biosphere is degraded, devastated, and doomed.

All of this has been caused by humans, who have developed skills and societies, sciences and technologies, and national and global networks that are causing nukes, wars, ecological problems, etc., which could lead to the doom of all, along with our eco systems. These problems are the result of human efforts to amass money, matter, and might, sacrificing all species and systems. The core culprit is their karma (actions, habits, and heredities), evolving into the Triple Poisons (desire, divisiveness, and delusion of ego). The primary problem is that people don’t even know this, much less know how to change it or actually work to change it. This is because karma has four billion years of history, attained and accumulated, augmented and authorized by all. This is the result of humans believing the current system to be the truth and the true way of living life by all, even with wars, nukes, arms races, conflicts, and terrorism by most people.

The Awakened One was awakened to the reality that this is only the conventional truth, and not the ultimate one. He was first awakened to the ultimate truth that there is no “self” as substance and sovereign, due to the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination. The fundamental delusion of “self” or “ego” is the cause of desire and divisiveness (delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination being the five calamities), causing civilization (urbanization, since city states evolved to nation states) with walls for wars, colonialism, classes, slavery, etc., and leading to nukes, global warming, mass extinction of species, etc. He achieved his awakening by still sitting, stilling karma, seeing Dharma, serving and saving all. He defined all as karma-born, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged, and he shared a way out with all to attain nirvana and become awakened. He showed that anyone can do the same to attain nirvana/awakening and prognoses for anything.

Anyone can understand the truth and ethic he revealed and can activate it, first intellectually in that we see the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, i.e., that all is related and relative, interrelated and interinfluenced like the Indra-net – and then we can work together to create peace, abolish nukes, avoid global warming, mass extinction of species, etc. We must follow his Five/Ten Precepts or a global ethic (first four of the Five Precepts employed as a global ethic: no killing, no stealing, no lying, and cooperation), which should be established as our universal human responsibilities, complementing our universal human rights. We must make a world organization for the equality of all, that prohibits wars, nukes, etc., and that enforces this beyond nations (which are fictitious bodies like other major actors: companies, media, religion, education) and nationalisms. Ideally we should practice still sitting, seeing Dharma, serving all as friends in need for completion.

June 17, 2022 C.E.


  1. State systems from city states to nation states, representative of a pyramidal system, is a thousandth of human history (nation states are one tenth of state systems), almost a millionth of life history.
  2. Human societies advanced from family, clan, tribal, racial, regional, national, and now to global. Almost all human activities have become global in economic, social, and cultural spheres, but politics lagged and is the largest remaining national, thus creating wars, nukes, dictators, discriminations, holocausts, persecutions, conflicts, terrorisms, refugees, etc.
  3. Please refer to my paper, Paradigm Shift, for shifting the present artificial, unidirectional, pyramidal civilization for money, matter, and might with the five calamities as described above to a future fundamental, original, natural life Indra-net culture for life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace:


  1. The second Parliament of the World’s Religions, held in Chicago in 1993 with more than seven thousand religious people, issued “A Declaration of a Global Ethic” with four directives dedicated to the culture of no violence and respect for life, of solidarity and an equitable economic order, of tolerance and true living, of the equal partnership between women and men. It was reworded from the first four precepts of the Five Buddhist Precepts of no killing, no stealing, no lying, and no sexual misconduct. This was sent to the U.N. to publish as universal human responsibilities, but has since been shelved, as rights are more urgently needed. But, as Gandhi said, the Ganges of rights comes from the Himalaya of responsibilities, so the latter should come first.
    1. The Awakened One said that friends make all our life. Universal religions call the future savior “friend” (Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Milu, Massiah, Messiah), but it is our potential to become “A friend in need is a friend indeed,” not waiting for others to save us, but we must save ourselves, as “Heaven helps those who help themselves.”
  2. Flowers invite butterflies without minds,

    Butterflies visit flowers without minds,

    When flowers bloom, butterflies come,

    When butterflies come, flowers bloom,

    Neither I know people,

    Nor people know me,

    Following the heavenly law without knowing.









  1. 金字塔組織の代表である都市国家から国民国家までの国家組織は人類史の千分の一(国民国家は国家組織では十分の一)、生命史では殆ど百万分の一です。
  2. 人間社会は家族、氏族、部族、種族、地区(集団)、国民(集団)から今や地球(集団)に進みました。経済、社会、文化領域での殆ど全ての人間活動は地球的になりましたが、政治は遅れて最大の国家(組織)で、それ故戦争、核、独裁者、差別、ホロコースト、迫害、紛争、テロ、避難民などを生んでいるのです。
  3. 上述の五禍を伴う金・物・力を求める現在の人工的一方向金字塔文明から覚醒・自由・平等・友愛・平和の五福を伴う命・心・和の為の未来の根本的で本来の自然循環敵文化へ転換する私の論考、枠組転換、をご覧ください:https://heiwasekai.wordpress.com/2018/01/20/%e3%80%8c%e6%9e%a0%e7%b5%84%e8%bb%a2%e6%8f%9b%e3%80%8d%ef%bc%9aparadigm-shift/?fbclid=IwAR2PEo9t4YwkwTSo4QRdVseqW08HeASD7orrenbOQLh181s72MAbV-WxkuM
  4. 1993年シカゴで七千人以上参加開催の第二回世界宗教会議は非暴力と生命尊重の文化への献身、一致団結と公正な経済秩序の文化への献身、寛容と真実の生活の文化への献身、の平等な権利と共同の文化への献身の四つの教令を持つ「地球倫理宣言」を発出しました。それは不殺、不盗、不偽、不邪淫の仏教の五戒の最初四戒を言い換えたものです。これは国連に普遍(世界)人務宣言として発布するようにと送られましたが、(世界人権宣言の)権利がより緊急に必要であるとして棚上げされています。しかしガンジーが「権利のガンジスは義務のヒマラヤに発する」というように、後者が優先されるべきなのです。
  5. 覚者は「友達は私たちの人生の全てを為す」と言いました。普遍宗教は未来の救済主は友(Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Milu, Massiah, Messiah)であると言っていますが、それは「必要の時の友こそ真の友」になる私達の可能性です、他者が私達を救うのを待つのではなく、「天は自ら助くる者達を助く」のですから自ら助けなければなりません。

    蝶無心尋花                                                                     花開時蝶来













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