Limitless Luck in Limitless Life

Good morning!


When we sit opening the window, we can hear the sounds of water flowing and birds singing, see the color of trees and the sky, and feel the fresh morning air moving.


When, however, we close the windows, we miss these things, and much more so, if we close our minds, we miss limitless things.


Dogen said,

“Without limited minds, there is limitless luck.”



When we move, we have a sense of the self, attachment and aversion, greed and hatred, and we start exploitation and extermination, and stir all the mess.


When we sit still and serene, we have no killing, stealing, lying, attachment, aversion, and delusion, and we become clear and calm, and can open to all things.


Then we are in limitless life, light, liberation, and love. Thus, we find inexhaustible truth, goodness, beauty, harmony, holiness.


If we see our short lives, we find inexhaustible treasures to appreciate. We can’t see and enjoy them when our minds are limited by money, matter, etc., missing more priceless treasures.


In that case we end our lives causing more troubles and sufferings. That’s why we need to sit down, see, and enjoy the inexhaustible dharma world, tasting the amrita (ambrosia/immortality).




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