Ultimate Universal Solution


Good morning!


Again we have rain, now with thunder. Dogen made a poem:


Being heard as it is, and

For the one without the mind,

The water-gem from the eave,

Is the true self indeed.


Raindrops, thundering, vapor, blinking electricity, the darkening world, etc., are our true selves indeed.


In his Realizing the Universal Truth, Genjokoan, 現成公案, Dogen said, “To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self; to learn the self is to forget the self; to forget the self is to be verified by all dharmas. To be verified by all dharmas is to drop off the bodies and minds of the self and of others. The trace of awakening is at rest and extinct. The traceless awakening is furthered on and on.” As we sit stilling karma, we are united, penetrated, and verified by universal truth and ethic, holiness, the wholly wholesome world and way, more, deeper, and firmer.


“Dropping off the body and mind,” shinjin-datsuraku or shinjin-totsuraku, 身心落, in language more faithful to the original words is: “shedding and dropping off the bodies and minds,” like cicadas or snakes shedding their skins and dropping them off. It is also said “penetrated and shedding,” todatsu, 脱, “shedding skins and penetrated through and throughout” by all dharmas or the world. We become penetrated by universal truth and peace, holy harmony, health, happiness, universal ethic, goodness, gratitude, greatness, bountiful beauty, and beatitude.


When we settle in nirvana, unconditioned peace, we are unmoved by sin, i.e., separation, selfishness, sickness, and suffering, we stay in holiness, i.e., the wholly wholesome way and world of, harmony, health, and happiness, going beyond self and other, here and now, life and death, tasting amrita, ambrosia, deathless, fearless, sinless, and saved from samsara suffering. This is the ultimate universal solution for all of the global problematique, the related problems of global warming, mass extinction, nuclear holocaust, isms, ideologies, karma conditionings, etc.


June 22, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk

















2019共通年6月22日 法話













































































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