Awakening All

Good morning!


It is now almost cool for sitting, but the weather forecast said that the heat wave will continue until Thursday. The news from Japan described contaminated meat, saying that all cattle in the northern part of the country must be tested for radiation.


I read an email that said that nuclear power advocates should be the first to eat the contaminated meat. Professor Koide, who has been cautioning against nuclear power for many years, said that adults should eat the contaminated meat, allowing children eat that which is uncontaminated.


All adults must take responsibility for these nuclear disasters. But, the younger and future generations are not at fault. So, we must safeguard them not only from nuclear-related problems, but from the many other dangerous conditions that make up the global problematique.


Until recently there have been no nuclear disasters, global warming, human-generated mass extinction, etc. Actually, all beings have the right to live a wholly wholesome life without such problems. We must poll all to get their views and values to decide matters, not just the minority in power.


Zen tradition says “every day, a good day.” To keep this, we must not remain “just sitting.” We must be engaged in society and ecology. The awakened way is to save all. For this we must be awakened and awaken all. Our efforts are essential to make every day a good day.



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