Karma Sin or Dharma Holiness: 罪業か聖法か


Good morning!


Yesterday I experienced two completely opposite experiences. One was while I was on the way here: I saw a driver in the next lane decelerating in front of a red signal, who then just ran away. I honked cautioning it, then another car cut into my lane as if not liking my action. Another car cut in dangerously in close proximity. These show sin, separation, causing antagonism, enmity, destruction, and demise.


The other one: I watched a video of Jill Bolte Taylor and her book Stroke of Insight. When she had her brain stroke and was hospitalized, her mother, visiting her in the hospital, immediately put herself in Jill’s bed and, embracing her, rocked her for days as if rocking her baby. This is empathy, oneness, holiness, becoming wholly wholesome with the world, harmony, health, and happiness.


We are at the fork of a road leading either to a destiny of demise or of happiness in the world, either to sin or holiness. There is no way of selfishness in the world of interdependent co-origination, related and relative. We are all in the Indra-net of life, all living beings being four billion years old with genes and a generic world like the ocean rather than bubbles – wonderful rather than worrisome.


Buddha Gotama foresaw the danger of selfishness by karma and taught the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination to save the world from destruction. We must know our four billion year karma, still, see, serve, and save all beings by decreasing and stopping bad karma as well as starting and increasing good karma. Zazen is the natural, direct, practical way to still karma and savor the Dharma in nirvana.


7/21/18  Dharma talk







2018共通年7月21日 法話



































































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