Neither Chill Nor Heat:無寒暑


Good morning!


A monk asked Tozan, “When chill or heat comes, how can I avoid it?” Tozan said, “Why don’t you fare to the neither chill nor heat place?” The monk asked, “What is the neither chill nor heat place?” Tozan said, “At the chill time, chill kills the teacher: at the heat time, heat kills the teacher.”


At the chill zones, people acclimatize to chill. At the heat zones, people acclimatize to heat. We can cultivate the capacity to endure chill or heat, and further chill and heat. When chill kills choice and heat kills hate, we may be able to transcend chill and heat, liking and disliking.


When, however, we have global warming and nuclear winter, claiming casualties and corpses, climate changes (hurricanes, typhoons, wild fires, flooding, land slides, etc.) and nuclear nemeses (radiation, war, devastation dust, etc.) kill living beings and living biospheres beyond nirvana and Bodhi.


Sharp knives can cook or kill. Our cultivation and verification must lead to nirvana and Bodhi, awakening, never to nemesis and annihilation. Pure peace and profound prognosis enjoy a wholly wholesome way and world, never a selfish sick way and world. Practice perfects peace prognosis.


7/7/18 Dharma talk


Note: “The teacher” in the above is the translation of “jari,” shortened form of “ajari” (transliteration of ācarya/ācariya, teacher in Sanskrit/Pali) here denoting “you”(It seems that Tozan’s intention: Why don’t you, teacher, attain nirvana?)
















































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