Sesshin Serves and Saves



Good morning!


Sesshin (摂心・接心) means embracing and touching our hearts and minds. If we sit and still our minds, stilling our conceptions, emotions, volitions, and even perceptions, advancing in the four stages of zen, we can eventually enter into nirvana, stilling the wind of karma and karma worlds.


If we sit and see our minds, seeing how our perceptions, consciousness, craving, nescience originates on sense organs and objects, clarifying the mechanism of how these cause suffering driven by karma, we can eventually become awakened to the truth of our life as shown in the becoming wheel or life cycle in karma.


In this way we can attain the fivefold bliss of awakening, freedom, equality, compassion, and peace in the nirvana realm for the “life Indra-net culture,” transcending the fivefold calamity of illusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination in the karma world of a “money pyramid civilization.”


In this way we can realize the Four Brahma-vihāra, Supreme-abode or Purity-abode of compassion, commiseration, joy, and equanimity in ourselves and the Four Embracing Matters of giving, loving words, beneficial deeds, and sameness for all, serving and saving all beings in time and space.






























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