Awakening or Annihilation


Good morning!


Yesterday I forwarded an article on Trump’s nuke expansion tweet frightening Chomsky, and a national security expert tweeting: But imagine having to turn launch keys not knowing if we are under attack or if it is because a foreign leader said a mean thing on twitter. Chomsky said the Doomsday clock might advance further to midnight. A new nuclear arms race will create Cuban crises in Asia and elsewhere. Trump hinted of a nuke armed South Korea and Japan, which already has a plutonium stockpile for several thousand atomic bombs.


Human karma, with the triple poisons of delusion, desire, and divisiveness, has created catastrophic crises of imminent wiping of life from the globe, making fictitious bodies of nation states, corporations, media, education, and religion, allowing nations’ heads to monopolize and manipulate people for their me-ism, materialism, militarism, and money-ism. They may devastate or destroy the whole world just for their egoistic, tribal, national instinct or insanity. Humanity must awaken and act to stop such institutions and insanity.


We urgently need a paradigm shift from delusion to awakening, karma to dharma, ego to eco, artificial unidirectional pyramidal civilization to natural cyclical Indra-net culture. We must awaken to the fact that we are all karma-machines with the triple poisons, which allow sinful (separated, selfish, sick) systems causing all suffering, and return to the triple learning of morality, concentration, and prognosis, reuniting with holiness (wholly wholesome, happy). Ninety-nine or a hundred percent of people can awaken in nirvana.


Anyone can sit still, still karma, see dharma (form/norm), settle in nirvana (no wind, of karma), serve and save all in awakening in nirvana. Thus, anyone can become Buddha (Awakened One) and live the Buddha life. Less than 1% at the top of pyramidal power politics misuse the state system, etc., and the rest are misused. The more than 90% under them can correct them, if only they awaken and act. In simple sitting anyone can become unmoved by bad karma and observe a global ethic, beyond a tribal one, avoiding annihilation.





1.  Civilization (= urbanization, struggle for matter and power) started from city states              advanced to nation states with the fivefold calamities of delusion (sin, separation),                bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination. Culture (= cultivation,                  sharing life and heart) started from the Spiritual Revolution (to correct the Civilization        Revolution, typically in universal religions: reunion with holiness) with the fivefold bliss      of awakening (in Dependent Co-origination), freedom, equality, compassion, and peace.

  1. The global ethic issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions requires anyone, religious or non-religious, to observe the irrevocable directives of no killing, no stealing, no lying, and equal partnership between women and men (adaptation of the Buddhist Five Precepts).
  2. The tribal ethic is limited within the tribe (tribes, villages, city or nation states, religions, etc.) observing no killing, etc. only within their communities, but global ethic or universal ethic should apply to all in the globe (then there should be no wars, weapons, nukes, etc.)
  3. More details may please be referred to in the “Paradigm Shift” (text & diagram) in our website ‘document downloads.’




























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