Wakeful Way World




Good morning!


Earlier this morning we had a very thick fog and it was difficult and dangerous to drive. Now with dawning the fog is dispelled and we can see dew on branches and daffodils on the ground. All beings, especially humans, as karma-machines are mostly in the long night of nescience, like a thick fog, where it’s difficult and dangerous to drive, and much more so in an unfamiliar place and uncharted ocean.


Our problems and sufferings first of all come from ignorance of this fact, of our being karma-machines driven by karma, now functioning as the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion. We scarcely suspect they are poisons. There is no end of problems and sufferings in continuing and contriving, only different karma combinations like laisse faire, free market, power politics.


The Buddha said that one cannot reach the limit of the world by walking. He did not mean that we can reach it by other means, but only by going beyond karma and the karma-realm. That is stilling karma (bodily, verbal, and mental action) and the karma-realm (social, environmental system). Concretely sitting still, simplifying styles, stabilizing systems, saving synergies.


The triple learning of morality, concentration, and prognosis, the four limitlessness (Brahma-vihāra: pure living) of friendship, compassion, joy, and equanimity (lit. renunciation), the four embracing matters of giving, loving words, beneficial action, and sameness, the six perfections, the seven awakening limbs, the eightfold holy path are concrete Buddhist ways and worlds.













Dazzling Light








Dawning Light

The above pictures were presented by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka

at the recent photo exhibition of the Shimoda Shayukai (Photo Play Club)

to which he belongs

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