Production, Procurement, and Pollution Problems

Good morning!


We are going to have a temperature of 108 degrees today, and in this range awhile without rain. Only when we witness disasters, do we seriously see them.


The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Investigation Commission report said that the disaster was man-made and could have been avoided, if well prepared.


The collusion of the company, regulatory agencies, and government watered down the standards, sabotaged them, didn’t follow up, and let it happen.


The Commission denied the company’s claim that it was an unexpected tsunami and unavoidable, suggesting the earthquake as the possible cause.


The collusion of industries, governments, and their regulatory agencies is a common phenomenon in production, procurement, and pollution problems.


This is due to money mongers, money machines, and money power, or money-ism, materialism, and me-ism.


So, unless we solve this fundamental problem of me-ism, we cannot solve our problems, individually, socially, and environmentally.


That’s why we must cultivate and conquer ourselves, not allowing ourselves to be conquered by others: money, matter, power, fame, fortune, etc.




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