
Good morning!


Flowers in spring,

Cuckoo in summer,

The moon in autumn,

Snow in winter cool and clear.


Haru-wa hana

Natsu hototogisu

Aki-wa tsuki

Fuyu yuki saete suzushikarikeri








This is the poem titled “original face” by Dogen. Now we have the beautiful half moon high in the sky and flowers are blossoming on earth. We will have birds’ singing and rain soon.


Dogen said, “When we walk in the mist our robes become unwittingly wet.” He also said, “When I love mountains, mountains love me.”


As we practice, we become familiar with all these and all these reveal themselves to us. Freedom is beloved domain (priya-dhâman) or friendship dome (philia-domos).


The more we practice in nature, the more we become familiar with the coming and going, appearance and disappearance, birth and death of nature and our own nature.





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