Eco-engaged Ethic

Good morning!


We can observe dawning earlier with dimly morning light now, but still not bright enough in coming here. So, I walk slowly and calmly to get to this place lest the motion sensor catch my movement for the warning light coming on for saving electric energy.


Our movements cause candle flames flicker even in the next room. Small movement and change can cause ripple effects throughout the air. Other movements and the front lines collide creating clouds, rain, storms, thunder, tornadoes starts.


Our world is caused in dependent origination of many factors. So, we must live wakefully to keep light bright and burn straight and serene and the air still and peaceful. This is the awakened way in peace, harmony, and happiness.


If we keep still and serene, the world will keep stable and solid without problems and sufferings. Then the whole world can function free and fully in the wholly wholesome way. Then, our global life system will work economically and ecologically ethical.




The Buddhist Council of Greater St. Louis will have one of its annual events, Socially Engaged Buddhism on coming March 4 at Fo Guang Shan St. Louis Buddhist Center.





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