Human Pollution

Good evening!


We can see the clear and calm half moon after one cycle of lunar phases since New Year’s Day. Dark and dense clouds are, however, hanging over us in the human world with nuclear war or disaster, etc. I circulated an article about how nuclear power was sold to governments and people such as Lovelock, one of the Greenpeace founders, Obama, et al., who have been advocating for nuclear power. I also forwarded an article on how a solar storm could shutter our electric grid systems to create nuclear disasters.


Nuclear disasters, global warming, mass extinction, etc., are all human pollutions. Why do we pollute? We pollute with our three poisons – delusion, attachment, and aversion – especially the delusion of the independent self. This is the most difficult problem to solve. Unless we truly face death or completely sit down beyond karma, we cannot solve it. Only when we wake up from our delusion, dreadful dream, can we solve our problems. It is too late to regret or feel remorse after a disaster or deluge.



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