From Triple Malady to Triple Practice

Good morning!


We can still enjoy autumn colors. Just recently I saw a lilac blooming again. We can enjoy beautiful nature here. But, in Fukushima and Chernobyl, below the apparently beautiful nature is radiation contamination. People cannot live there.


The European Committee for Radiation Risk estimated that there have been more than sixty million cancer deaths due to atomic fallout, and that quality of life is down 10%. These numbers are far greater than a Holocaust or any genocide. This was before Fukushima, equivalent to 168 Hiroshima bombs.


We don’t know when the next disasters will happen. Even without disasters, more than 500 nuclear plants are constantly emitting radiation into the air, water, and earth, and constantly piling up death ash for individual and national egos. We must change our life.


We must live for harmony and happiness for all, not just for us and for now. Let’s be concerned about all, caring all, cooperating with all: “Occupy All”. We must shift our life from militarism, materialism, and me-ism to peace, purity, and prognosis.





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