Good morning!
I got up one hour earlier and tried to join our meeting online yesterday. I tried and tried to see what is wrong for almost one hour – malfunction of Zoom, pc., etc.? I sent my email to you apologizing not being able to join our meeting. When I tried it again, I saw the host screen, then I could join our meeting.
This is sennyu-shu, pre-siding master, sennyu-kan, preconception – karma with attachment, aversion, and delusion, alaya(-vinnana), stored (consciousness). We are like flies trying to escape but hitting the same place repeatedly failing to do so, though there are many places or chances to escape.
Dogen said, “Learn to step backward to turn your light around to reflect on yourself.” Backward steps allow wider perspectives and prognoses. We need to sit and settle down to see the situations for solutions in wider views and values, and deeper insights and ingenuities.
Sanmai (transliteration of samadhi) is used as dokusho-zanmai, absorption in reading, etc. Samadhi is usually translated as concentration, but it is not focusing on one thing, but unifying all together. So, integration may be better rendering for it.
Samadhi is putting the whole body and mind into the limitless universe, unifying oneself and the whole world together. Dogen said, “”Totally forgetting the body and mind, throw yourself into the Buddha’s abode, allowing yourself to be guided by the Buddha.”
He came back from China empty-handed “just knowing the eyes horizontal and the nose vertical” and wrote A Universal Recommendation for Right Zazen as his first turning of the Dharma wheel. It recommends all to do zazen with why, how, precautions, etc. The last portion reads:
Urgently strive for the way that points directly to the right target, revere the unfabricating and unconditioned person, fit into the awakening of the Buddhas, and rightly inherit the samadhi of ancestors. Practice in such a way, constantly, and you will never fail to realize suchness. The treasure house will open by itself, and you will appreciate and use it at will.
“Letting go; your hands are full.” “In nothing is limitlessness.” “You have ultimately obtained the functional essence of a human body. Never let the light and shadow pass in vain.” Anyone can sit and savor the “Dharma joy zen bliss.”
Please have your good day in limitless life, light, liberation, and love!
Thank you!