Limited Life to Limitless Life:有限の命から無限のいのちへ



Good morning!


We have a quiet, peaceful morning here, but in Japan the heavy rain disasters continue, with the pandemic worsening. A couple of days ago I watched a TV program on Kinjiro Ninomiya and Koan Ogata, who coped with famine and pandemic two centuries ago. The former said, “My aspiration is to re-cultivate the deserted fields of people’s hearts and to increase and sow good seeds from heaven. If one’s heart is cultivated, there is no fear if tens of thousands of hectares of fields are devastated.” The latter said, “The way of medicine is not for oneself, but only for others. Even if one can’t save a life from disease, to appease the patient’s heart is the human art. Become a sincere warm person worth trusting their lives.”


We talked about global problems as human problems, which can be solved by seeing and stilling our karma, cultivating and changing our Triple Poisons to Triple Learnings. If we change our sinful (separated, sick) self, which fights for money, matter, and might with the Five Calamities, limited life, to a holy (wholly wholesome) system sharing life, heart, and harmony, with the Five Blisses, limitless life, we can solve our problems of starvation, pandemic, global warming, mass extinction, etc. When we work in the yard, we know how life goes. “Flowers fall in lamentation, weeds grow rampant in detestation.” “Fallen colored leaves, yet to fall colored leaves also are falling colored leaves.”


Yesterday I watched a TV program remembering Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara, who was in a hijacked plane working with another doctor, whose student was one of the hijackers, to change his heart from personal gain to public service, and later saved masses in the sarin incident, heading St. Luke’s Hospital. He realized that life is in darkness of the next moment unknown, and he said that life is not owned, but given. Dogen said that the best way for the Awakened Way is to know impermanence. All living beings are impermanent – fragile and fatal. We, however, can change our life, individual, social, and ecological, by changing our karma, from the Triple Poisons to the Triple Learnings.


The Buddha was awakened to the impermanence of all in the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination and the way to solve our suffering from it, by cultivating our hearts to still our karma to see the Dharma and to serve all in the Dharma world. Religion is reunion to holiness from sin, realizing the Spiritual Revolution to solve the problems of our pyramidal civilization. We must enhance and expedite our paradigm shift before devastation and demise. This is to returning to the origin, like the ocean, before we construct selfishness, like a bubble. Returning to nature, right heart, and original source is to still our excessive desire or dissatisfaction, as “happiness consists in contentment.” Have a good day every day!


July 25, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk


Note 1.  Kinjiro Sontoku Ninomiya:

  1. Koan Ogata:

  1. Five Calamities: delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, extermination.
  2. Five Blisses: awakening, freedom, equality, love, peace.
  3. Shigeaki Shinohara:






ここでは静かで平和な朝ですが、日本では全人類的流行病が更に悪くなる中で豪雨の災害が続いています。 二日前私は二世紀前に飢饉と全人類的流行病に対処した二宮金次郎と緒方洪庵のテレビ番組を見ました。前者は「私の願いは人々の心の田が荒れるのを耕し直し、天からの善の種を増やしてまくことである。一人の心が耕されれば田畑が何万町荒れようとも恐れることはない。」と言っています。後者は「医の道は己のためにあらず、他のためのみ。たとえ救うことができない病があっても、患者の心を癒すのが仁術というものです。人々から命をゆだねられるに値する誠実で温かい人間となりなさい。」と言いました。








2020共通年7月25日 法話














July 17, 2020 C.E.






July 18












July 18













July 20











July 21







The above pictures of a lotus flower grown in a pot

were taken and sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsua, Shimoda, Japan



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