Penetrating Past, Present, and Prospect

Good morning!


We have a nice cool, clear, and calm morning. We can sit with fresh morning air and beautiful birds’ chirping.


At this time of year Japanese people celebrate O-bon (お盆、Urabon:盂蘭盆, Ulambana), returning to their native homes to visit their ancestors’ resting places. This year, with the triple tragedy leaving more than 20,000 people dead and thousands more still missing, some have no homes to return to, no graveyards to visit, no way even to look for their missing ones due to radiation.


By visiting our ancestors’ spirits, we know how our present is made up of the past, and what we should do for the future. This sitting here and now includes there and then, penetrating the whole universe of the past, present, and future. We can settle all past karmas and create future karma in a fresh, free, truthful, and peaceful way.


This sitting is to come back to the original state, dwell in ultimate peace, become awakened, act in a wholly wholesome way.





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