3 Poisons, 3 Steps, 3 Learnings, 3 Pillars: 三毒、三歩、三学、三柱


Good morning!


I got an email from my nephew in Japan, asking me about our health at this time of pandemic. Mail by air takes about a week and by sea about a month. Before air and tele-communication, to-and-fro correspondence took two months. I ordered books from Japan, but the mail is four months behind due to the pandemic, and packages are accepted only by sea. Physical transportation is limited or stopped. The Triple Revolutions of communication, democratization, and globalization are increasingly obstructed in this order, which will continue and change our system.


Our cultural, social, economic, and political systems are and will be slower and limited, increasing in this order, combined with the aforementioned Triple Revolutions. It seems our systems are becoming more local and individual. This is, so to speak, a step back by several decades or a century, with more important individual and locally autonomous roles and less stress and damage to ecological life systems. This will contribute to our paradigm shift from an artificial, uni-directional pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical Indra-net life culture, and will alleviate global problems.


Human karma with the Triple Poisons of delusion, desire, and divisiveness has driven our civilization, causing the global problematique. The pandemic crises must be an opportunity to shift and find solutions to it. We must, and we must let others know, that the fundamental problem is our karma and that the solution lies in changing it – sitting still, stilling karma, seeing Dharma, serving and saving all. That is the shift from the Triple Steps of defilement, action, and suffering to those of awakening, action, and joy through the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis.


Our center has the Triple Pillars of the Awakened Way, Global Ethic, and Voluntary Simplicity. The Eightfold Great Person’s Awakening fits well with them. Delusive desire is the source of suffering. Wakeful small desire is the cause of contentment. Sitting still sees the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination of all, i.e., no separate substance of self, suňňatā/śūnytā (zeroness), nirvana, no karma, immortality (amata/amṛta), supra-mundane truth, purity, pure-land, paradise, etc., where anyone can enjoy limitless light, life, liberation, and love in holy happiness.


April 25, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk













2020共通年4月25日 法話






























































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