Pandemic Paradigm Shift Survival: 全人類的伝染病の枠組転換での生き残り


Good morning!


We have beautiful nature around us with weeping and other cherries, redbuds, vinca, and other flowers and fresh green leaves, though the Coronavirus pandemic is threatening the human world. Crises can be opportunities. We now have virtual sittings and meetings beyond distance – unlike previously, with only local people – saving resources like gas, money, space, and time, preventing pollution, etc. Someone mentioned B.C., Before Corona, and A.C. After Corona, marking a big shift, essentially B.B., Before Buddhism (Awakened Way) and A.B., After Buddhism, or A.A., After Awakened Way. We can change our entire cultural, social, economic, and political systems, if we will.


As the Buddha said, we need to think from the source (yoniso manasikāra). This is to see all from the origin, in totality, and for practice, corresponding to the Triple Hearts of great, mature, and joyful hearts (practice with great perspective, detailed consideration, and joyful action, cf. Self-appreciating Samadhi, appreciating Dharma, Self, Peace, i.e. nirvana). We have been in the Triple Revolutions of globalization, information, and democratization, which can shift to more glocal (global-local, balanced), tele-communication (saving man-material transportation) and life-net (Indra-net of life system).


We have been talking about the Paradigm Shift from an artificial, uni-directional Pyramidal Civilization (Urbanization), fighting for money, matter, and might with the five calamities, to a natural, cyclical Life Indra-net Culture (Cultivation), sharing life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses. We must cultivate the limitless potential of the heart in culture (truth, goodness, beauty, holiness), not fight for limited matter. We should cultivate limitless holiness in society, not fight in limited sin (separate, sick self). We should cultivate our limitless life in economy, not fight for limited money. We must cultivate limitless harmony in politics, not fight for limited might.  We can cultivate the Triple Learnings, not the Triple Poisons.


Human civilizations have intruded into and damaged the life system, causing the global problematique, including pandemics, global warming, mass extinctions, loss and damage of life and life systems. If we continue this, we can’t continue. The pandemic has revealed this. Modern civilization is a delusion of small selves seeking money, matter, and might, missing life, heart, and harmony. Culture is the cultivation of great persons. The Eightfold Great Person’s Awakenings of little desire, etc., are the opposite of the small person’s big desire, dissatisfaction, mass movements, pipe dreams, confused minds, diffused minds, and idle talk. We must have a Paradigm Shift with active participation in the Awakened Way.


April 18, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk


Note 1.  Paradigm Shift:


2.Five Calamities are delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, extermination. The Five Blisses are awakening, freedom, equality, love, peace. Cf. The Buddha found the Dharma (norm/law) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena) is Dependent Co-origination of all on causes and conditions.


3.The Eightfold Great Person’s Awakening is little desire, contentment, seclusion, striving, mindfulness, concentration (samādhi), prognosis (paňňā/prajňā), no speculation.







ブッダが言ったように私達は根源から考える(yoniso manasikāra)必要があります。それは一切を起源、全体、実践から見ることで、これは大心、老心、喜心の三心(大局視野、最新注意、喜悦行為:法、自己、平和:涅槃を賞味する自受用三昧参照)に対応します。私達は地球化、情報化、民主化の三革命の中にありますが、それを更にグローカル(均衡のとれたグローバルとローカル:地球と地方)、テレコミュニケーション(人と物の運搬節約)、ライフネット(生命系の帝釈網)に転換することができます。






2020共通年4月18日 法話


註 1.  枠組転換:




3.八大人覚は小欲・知足・離俗・精進・専心・禅定(三昧: samādhi)・智慧(般若: paňňā/prajňā)・不戯論(不妄想)です。


































































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