Good morning!
Hard is it to receive a human body, rare is it to meet the Buddha Dharma. By virtue of previous merits, we not only have received human bodies difficult to receive, but also have met the Buddha Dharma rarely met. We are in the best lives among various births and deaths and in the most blessed lives. We should not leave our dew-like lives to the mercy of the wind of impermanence, treating carelessly the most blessed lives.
Dogen, Shushogi, Significance of Cultivation-verification
Time flies. One and a half months have passed since New Year’s Day. The corona virus outbreak has swiftly spread globally. We don’t know when impermanence will overtake us. Sufferings are triple: individual, social, and environmental. To cope with them we have the triple pillars of the Awakened Way, Global Ethic, and Voluntary Simplicity in our center. These may roughly become the countermeasures to those, though they are all interconnected and integrally working.
The Awakened Way can solve all problems and sufferings: birth, sickness, aging, and death, which include not acquiring the desired, separating from the beloved, meeting with the hated, and karma kinetics. We can attain nirvana, no-wind of karma, and awakening in the Four Holy Truths, solving all problems and sufferings. We know we are karma machines, and work with them in nirvana, amrita, ambrosia of immortality, enjoying holy harmony, health, and happiness.
The Global Ethic is the new standard for the old ones of individualism, nationalism, racism, etc. The Awakened Way of the Dharma of Interdependent Co-origination in the Global Age will abolish the sinful (separate) Self, State, etc. with war, class, etc. against no killing, no stealing, no lying, and equal partnership of all. We must live as global villagers with the Five Blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace. Truth and ethics are not two separate things, but one holiness.
Voluntary Simplicity is the new paradigm for the old ones of fighting for matter, might, and money with the Five Calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination. Compounded complexity enslaves life confined and confused, losing true appreciation of abundant life and active living in holy (wholly wholesome) truth, goodness, beauty, and peace, which will save all life from devastation and doom by nukes, wars, global warming, mass extinction, etc.
February 8, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk
人身(にんしん)得(う)ること難(かた)し仏法値(お)うこと希(まれ)なり、今我等宿善(しゅくぜん)の助くるに依りて、已(すで)に受け難き人身を受けたるのみに非ず、遭い難き仏法に値(あ)い奉れり、 生死の中の善生(ぜんしょう)、最勝の生なるべし最勝の善身を徒(いたづら)にして 露命を無常の風に任すること勿れ。
2020共通年2月8日 法話

Que se eternizem os instantes que se fazem verdadeiros, os gestos preciosos de gentilezas, os sorrisos fabricados na alma e os olhares que traduzem verdade de sentimentos. ☯︎ ॐ