Happy New Year in Holiness‼ : 聖性の中に幸福な新年を‼


Good morning!


We had dense fog early this morning. It’s now clearing and trees are showing up. Tree and true came from the same root, dhṝ (to endure or hold), the root of dharma. Trees can endure ten thousand years, truth forever. Trees are harmonious with air, water, earth, light, etc., giving us oxygen, shade, shelter, wood, genes, etc. We are all in the tree of life.


Dharma means form/thing/phenomenon (from harm) and norm/truth/law (from darm). We call a holding form “thing” and an enduring norm “truth.” The Buddha was awakened to the Dharma (law) of all dharmas (phenomena), i.e., Inter-dependent Co-origination (phenomena are inter-dependently co-originated on causes and conditions). We are all dharmas.


This form of sitting is called bus-shin-in, Buddha-heart-seal, which anyone can take to realize the Buddha-heart, like a seal. This is the ideal holding form to realize the enduring norm (truth/ethic), like a jigsaw puzzle piece fitting into the puzzle. Anyone can realize holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness with all, always, anywhere. We can be the Dharma.


To fit in this ideal form, we must learn from the Buddhas and Ancestors – how to cross the legs, align the backbone and head, etc., form the arms, hands, etc., wear clothing, keep the environment, etc. Constant and concentrated cultivation makes us fit into perfect posture and verify unsurpassed awakening in unconditioned peace, nirvana. Happy new year in holiness with all!


December 28, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk







Dharmaは(harmから)form: 形・物・現象と(darmから)norm: 規則・真理・法則を意味します。私達は保持する形を「物」、永続する規則を「真理」と呼びます。仏陀は諸法(現象)の法(法則)、即ち因縁生起(現象は原因・条件により相互依存・共同発生)に目覚めました。私達は皆諸法です。






2019共通年12月28日 法話

















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