Universal Ultimate Truth:普遍究極真理


Good morning!


We suddenly have crisp, clear, cool air, almost chilly. A common saying is: the autumn of the high sky and fat horses, befriending the lamplight (for reading). This is an opportune time to practice: cultivation/verification. I went through my translation of Dogen’s Genjō-kōan, Realizing Universal Truth, and Busshin retyped it. This first volume of Dogen’s Shōbōgenzō, Storage of the True Dharma Eye, originally a letter to his lay follower, introduces the essence/essentials of the Awakened Way.


It contains the famous passage: “To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self…the traceless awakening is furthered on and on.” Awakening to universal truth is unifying the self and the Dharma of all dharmas; it is not like a mirror reflecting the moon, much less the moon separate from the mirror. Genjo-koan is Dharma-abhisamaya, Dharma-meeting. Shinjin-datsuraku, dropping off the body-minds of the self and others, is freedom from and of the body-mind.


Free-dom is priya-dhaman, beloved-domain, familiarizing and free/full functioning with dharmas, forms/norms (phenomena/laws). We cannot live departing from them, as fish and birds cannot depart from water and sky. As the need is great, the use is great. We must meet/act, cultivate/verify dharmas here/now, freely/fully functioning, not waiting for another place/time for exhaustively reaching the limit/end of them like water/sky. Each place/time has its absolute stage.


Shobogenzo is taken from a stock phrase: “shōbōgenzō nehan-myōshin” (exquisite heart of nirvana, storing the true dharma-eye). So, we must reach nirvana, no-wind (of karma) to attain the true dharma-eye. The true dharma-eye provides us with the truth/ethic of how to make a paradigm shift from the fivefold calamity of our artificial, unidirectional, pyramidal civilization (urbanization: sinful luxury) to the fivefold bliss of natural, cyclical, life-Indranet culture (cultivation: holy purity).


October 5, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk



Note: The fivefold calamities of civilization (urbanization: fight for money/matter/might) are delusion (separated self: sin: separation), bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination. The fivefold blisses of culture (cultivation: share of holiness = wholly wholesome life/heart/harmony) are awakening, freedom, equality (in related/relative Interdependent Co-origination), love (friendship = together-ness from mit-tra, mitra: friend, cf. Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, etc.), and peace.













2019共通年10月5日 法話
































The above pictures were taken and posted

on Mr. Koichi Okada’s FB

(posting here approved by him)





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