Wholly Wholesome Way World Wanted: 全体健全方途世界切望


Good morning!


After last night’s rain we feel crisp, cool, fall air with fresh green trees around us, as if shedding off all dust, changing yellowing leaves to green. We feel fresh also after sitting, as if shedding off all dust, like trees. We feel as if we go down deep into the ocean, below the surface with its waves and billows, becoming deeply rooted at the bottom, spreading all over the ocean like trees by sitting still.


When butterflies come, flowers bloom. When flowers bloom, butterflies come.” When we have woody and bushy surrounding with flowers, then butterflies, bees, birds, etc., indeed come. I saw abundant flowers blooming and extraordinary numbers of butterflies flying around them at the site of the remains of the brick building foundations of Jetavana Monastery.


The Buddha said, “The world is on fire!” You might have seen the pictures from space of the Amazon on fire. The Amazon is called the earth’s lungs, producing 20% of our oxygen, but our hunger for meat, projected to increase 20% in the coming decade, produces carbon dioxide through the burning of forests and methane by cows at the contributing factor of 25 times greater than CO2 for global warming.


The world on fire is causing more disasters, like drought, heavy rains, flooding, etc., all over the world. Hurricane Dorian is coming. Trump has suggested destroying hurricanes with atomic bombs, which shows his ignorance of nukes and nature. He wants a space force, while the world is ablaze and life systems are aghast out of breath. If we know our karma, we can change it for the better.


Where flowers bloom, butterflies come” because of life history. “When butterflies come, flowers bloom” because of evolution. They do so, “following the universal truth with no knowledge.” It is better if we know it. Knowing and doing must unite. We must follow the universal ethic to realize the Pure-land or Paradise in our hearts. Truth/ethic, mind/body, self/other, etc., must match holiness.


August 31, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk


Note: Jetavana Monastery was where the Buddha stayed most often for the rainy season retreat and the site at which the greatest number of his monastery sermons were delivered. Its name is the Monastery of the Food-giver-to-the-destitute at Jeta-forest. More details may please be referred to here:

















2019共通年8月31日 法話

































































The above pictures were taken

by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, 

Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan




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