Every Day: Fresh Good Day: 日々是新好日



Good morning!


We have gorgeous fresh flowers on the altar. The first koan is “Holding up a flower and smiling at it.” Anyone would smile at such beautiful flowers. Because life is one, we communicate life to life, heart to heart, and unwittingly smiling happens. We are moved by the wonder of the whole universe in its total space and time.


Flowers can bloom by the luck of good seeds, seasonal weather, and being saved from other species’ infestation. I have rather poor vegetable and fruit harvesting this year due to too much rain, heat waves, less input of labor and chemicals, and animal damage – sprouts and even well grown leaves and roots have been eaten, fruits carried away, etc.


Our practice of Zen or the Awakened Way is similar. Even with good aspiration, social situations or environmental entities may cause deviation or destruction. Cultivation may not be continued or concentrated. The Way Cycle of aspiration, cultivation, awakening, and nirvana may not be completed or continued for further cycles.


Our practice may become a mannerism, forgetting that every day and every moment is fresh and great. Zen mottos are “every day, a fresh day” and “every day, a good day.” We must put our utmost power into each moment and day to make it fresh, great, and good. Each moment and motivation is the pivot to turn our life and world.


August 3, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk











2019共通年8月3日 法話
























































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