Four Holy Truths: 四聖諦


Good morning!


After series of rainy days, we are now surrounded by abundant green. We have our regular sesshin, embracing and touching the heart (coeur, 摂心/接心), core of our existence. I had back pain before sitting, but now it’s gone. Choshin (調身ordering posture), chosoku (調息ordering breath), and choshin (調心ordering heart) make the whole system holy (wholly wholesome), coordinating organs, circulation, secretion, etc.


The Four Holy (Pali/Skt.: ariya/ārya: hagia: Greek) Truths are wholly wholesome truths/beings (sat). The first truth is suffering (duk-kha: wrong going, going against desire). The four sufferings are birth, sickness, aging, and death, inevitable for all living beings. The eight sufferings are these plus not getting the desired, parting with the loved, meeting with the hated – in short, the five aggregates rampant.


The second truth is the cause of suffering, identified with craving (taṅhā, lit. thirst, like drinking sea water at a shipwreck, which makes one thirstier). The karma (action/habit/heredity) through some forty billion years of evolution has made living beings follow survival instincts, as scientists even see selfish genes, especially in humans with advanced brains and bodies, languages and tools, sciences and technologies.


The third truth is cessation of the cause of suffering, identified with nirvana, cessation of karma. Practically, it is shown in the Four Stages of Meditation (Zen, Chan, Jhāna, Dhyāna: Japanese, Chinese, Pali, Skt.), stilling karma (physical, verbal, and mental: conceptions, emotions, volitions), witnessing nirvana and the new existential truth (ultimate truth) beyond conventional truth in karma in still sitting.


The fourth truth is usually identified with the Eightfold Holy Ways/Paths of right view, thinking, speech, action, livelihood, mindfulness, striving, and concentration (samādhi). This is meant for lay practitioners with livelihoods, adapting the Seven Awakening Limbs for renouncers of household life.  “The Thirty-seven Ways/Paths,” except for the Eightfold Holy Ways, are of meditation (Zen samādhi) in nirvana/bodhi (awakening).

April 28, 2019 C.E.






四聖(パーリ語/梵語: アリヤ/アーリヤariya/ārya: hagiaハギア:ギリシャ語:holyホーリー:英語)諦は全体健全な真理/存在です。第一の真実は苦(duk-kha: 悪くなる:願望に反する)です。四苦は一切の生物にとっては避けられない生老病死です。八苦はこれらに求不得苦・愛別離苦・怨憎会苦・略して五蘊盛苦を加えたものです。




第三の真実は苦の原因の消滅で、業の消滅である涅槃と同一視されています。実際には禅の四段階(四禅:日本語禅ゼンは中国語チャン:パーリ語・梵語:Jhāna, Dhyānaの音訳)で示されますが、業(身口意三業:意の観念・感情・意欲)を静めることで、静坐により涅槃に達して、業による俗諦を超えた新しい実存真理(究極真理:真諦:第一義諦:勝義諦)を実証すること。


第四の真実は正見・正思・正語・正行・正命・正念・正精進・正定(三昧:samādhiの八聖道と同一視されています。これは在家生活を放棄した出家者の為の七覚支を適用して正命(正しい生業:なりわい)を加ええ在家修行者に向けたものです。八聖道を除いた所謂「三十七道品(七覚支など)」は涅槃・菩提(覚醒)にある禅定(Zen samādhi)についてのものです。


2019共通年4月28日 法話





















































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