Category Archives: Ecology

Contacting, Communicating People, Plants, and Planets

Good morning!   We have a beautiful Sunday morning with bright sunlight and a clear autumn atmosphere in peace and truth.   The Buddha said,   Better than the one who would live one hundred yearsnot seeing birth and death … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Shining Sun in Speckless Space

Good morning!   We have now the beautiful sunlight, crisp clear air, cloudless sky, and colorful fall foliage. Beautiful colored leaves are now also falling.   All are springing up and falling down in the speckless space. Even gigantic columns … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

As We Become So the World Becomes

Good evening!   When we sit in zazen, we still our karmas, and settle in the holy truth and peace. We are in morality, concentration, and prognosis, freed from all physical, verbal, and mental karmas. We can enjoy the fivefold … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Wholly Wholesome Way

Good evening!   We had the beautiful autumn sky today. When leaves fall off, trees are exposed to this beautiful calm clear vast sky.   When we sit calm and clear, our limited minds and bodies fall away, merging into … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Hungry Hurried Humans

Good morning!   Now the full moon is quickly becoming the crescent moon and the autumn weather is swiftly approaching to the winter weather.   The television broadcast the security camera recording a child hit by a car in a … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Let’s Live Limitless Life, Liberation, Light, and Love

Good morning!   We have now chilly air at 41 degrees. On the way here I listened to NPR, which reported on a nuclear plant near New York City. Its licenses are going to expire in 2013 and 2015. Voices … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

All Can and Should Live Limitless Life with and for All

Good evening!   Now beautiful colored leaves have fallen and tree trunks are exposed to the crisp, clear autumn air. Yunmen said, “The entire body is exposed to the golden wind.”   When we sit, all karmas fall away and … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Fourfold Limitlessness Life

Good morning!   Now we have rain and chilly air of 47 degrees, down from the 80s. We are reminded of the Buddha wandering throughout his life either rain or shine, cold or hot.   It is important not to … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

See and Settle in Ultimate Truth/Peace

Good morning!   The full moon has quickly changed into the half moon. The spring season of sprouts has now shifted into the fall season of leaves.   Falling leaves, Non-falling leaves Are also falling leaves.   Falling raindrops merge … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Learning Limitless Light, Liberation, Love, and Life

Good morning!   We have another beautiful autumn day with the clear sky and the bright sun. When we sit solid, we become like the sun shining forth in the cloudless clear sky. This is the Buddha’s state. He sat … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment