Nothing Dearer Than the Self :No Hurting! 自己より愛しきもの無し:不傷害!


The Kosalan king Pasenadi, his usurper Vidudabha’s father, standing on the lofty platform of the castle asked queen Mallika, “Are there anyone more beloved than you?” She said, “No, no one is more beloved than me. How about you?” The king said, “The same with me. No one is more beloved than me.” The king descended the platform and visited the Buddha and told their conversation.


All the directions can be visited by the mind.

Wherever it may go, nowhere is more beloved than the self.

Similarly for others each one’s self is beloved.

Therefore, never harm everyone’s the most loved self.

                                         Samyutta Nikaya, 3.8


Anyone can understand this universal truth/ethic, but most people people can’t observe it. This is because we are bound by our karma of the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of ego). We only see gain or loss, win or defeat, never realizing cooperation and conviviality, much less synergy and supramundane.


Pasenadi fled from Vidudabha’s usurpation to Magadha, where his sister married king Bimbisara. He died in front of the gate of its capital Rajagaha. The legend is that he said, “This mango on my palm is the only thing I can command now.” Everyone has precious mind jewel on the palm.

If we polish our crystal ball with the triple learnings of morality, samadhi, and prognosis, it becomes clear and calm to reflect other crystal balls and the cosmos in limitless light, life, liberation, and love. “Letting go, the hand is full.” “The treasure house will open by itself, and we can appreciate and use it at will.”


Let us continue our cultivation and enjoy every day a good day!

Thank you!




— 『相応部経典』3.8















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Shade of Related 縁者の陰


Good morning!


Yesterday I read a piece on health and happiness in Mr. Aida’s FB. David Hamilton said, “Health and happiness depend on how many times one says, “After you!” Research shows thoughtful kindness makes people healthy and happy.


Yesterday I forwarded histories of Kosala and Magadha, where the Buddha wandered and shared his teaching. He is called Shakya-muni, thoughtful one from Shakya clan. These areas were the center of strivers’ (samana/shramana) movement, opening the new religious movement like Buddhism and Jainism.


There are scriptures telling that the Buddha sat under a small leafless tree on the way Vidudabha, usurper of Kosala rulership, marched with his army to wage war on Shakyan country and stopped doing so three times, but later conquered it.


When he asked the Buddha, “Why are you sitting there despite there are trees with thick foliage?” The Buddha said, “Better is the shade of relatives.” Relatives are a community of true life with love, friendship with freedom (priya-dhâman: beloved domain), safe and satisfying, even if small and poor.


We talked about a step makes a thousand-mile difference. The selfish way, even if powerful and pompous, leads to perish. The selfless way, even if poor and powerless, leads to prosper. Kosala perished due to wasteful worn wars by Magadha, which perished by Maurya, but the Buddha’s way is lasting long.


AI said the Buddha was the happiest and greatest person in human history. He lived with the universal truth/ethic (Dharma of dependent co-origination, i.e. all are interdependently originating and ceasing: all are related/relative). “Only truth wins!” Only truth turns the total universe like the Dharma, not war, wheel.


Let us live a great good day with thoughtfulness and striving!

Thank you!








AIは、仏陀こそ人類史上最も幸福で偉大な人物であると言いました。彼は普遍の真理/倫理(縁起の法則――すべては相互に依存し、発生と消滅を繰り返す:すべては関連し合い、相対的である)と共に生きました。「ただ真理のみが勝つ!」 真理だけが、戦車輪ではなく、法輪のように宇宙全体を動かすのです。






Πώς επηρεάζει το φεγγάρι τον άνθρωπο; Οι επιστήμονες εξηγούν - Εναλλακτική Δράση





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Sinful Suffering or Holy Harmony? 罪の苦か聖の和か?


Awakening for All: Zazen function: holy harmony


Suffering comes from sin (selfish sickness). We observe sufferings from dictators, wars, nukes, nationalism, racism, sectarianism, Mammonism, materialism, pyramidal civilization (urbanization), climate change, etc.


Selfishness is the source. Selfishness separates others, which are actually inseparable parts in the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all related and relative. It destroys symbiosis, synergy, saneness, safety, sanctity.


Happiness comes from holiness. Religion is reunion with holiness (wholesome whole, all in harmony/happiness), which can’t coexist with selfishness, sectionalism, nationalism, racism, killing, stealing, lying, monopoly, etc.


Selflessness is the solution. The universal truth/ethic (Dharma, Dao, Dei, etc.) requires selfless saneness, sanity, service, salvation of/by/for all. The possessive person is possessed. Liberation lies in limitless life, light, love, etc.


March 22, 2025 C.E.




  1. “The Dharma (Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena/ truths/ethics)” is Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently co-originated on limitless causes and conditions (similar to the Law of Causality, but deeper and wider – beyond conventions, conceptions, objects, etc.). This means that we are interrelated with other beings (other species, elements, stars, etc.), and relatives to each other, and that we must therefore live together harmoniously and strive to make a wholly wholesome world to become harmonious, healthy, and happy.
  2. Religion derives from Latin religare (reunion). Religion is, thus, to reunite with holiness (wholly wholesomeness, cf. Rudolf Otto’s definition of religion as the Holy) from sin (=separation, separated sick, cf. a-sun-der, sundry). To reunite with the holiness of the limitless ocean of life from being a separated small bubble or foam of ego or group ego is the goal of anyone or a universal religion, where one lives as a true friend in need of all, as expressed in., and who lives in limitless life, light, liberation, and love.
  3. Selfishness separates others, thus separates the benefits of symbiosis, synergy, synthesis, sanity, sanctity, service, sacredness, salvation, limitless life, light, liberty, love, etc., which anyone can attain and appreciate, if only one observes (care/cultivate: know/act) the universal truth/ethic (Dharma).
  4. Karma (grow/create with the past/present physical/verbal/mental action, habit, heredity) is instilled with the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of ego/mei: I/my). The Buddha said that all living beings are karma-birthed, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged. He clarified that there is no self-substance with self-sameness (permanent) and self-sovereignty (wishful) entities due to the Dharma (Truth/Law) of all dharmas (phenomena), Dependent Co-origination. We as karma-machines must change to the Dharma-refuged in order to change the world in suffering to that in holiness (wholly wholesome: harmonious, healthy, and happy).
  5. The practice of Zen (jhāna/dhyāna: meditation), the key and core practice of za-zen, sitting meditation, is to still karma, settle in nirvana(nir-vāṇa = ni-vāta: no-wind, of karma, see the Dharma, and serve and save all. This process is categorized in the Four Zen Stages and the Eight Concentration (samādhi) Stages (actually Four Zen Stages plus Four Concentration Stages combined, going together).  As shown in the Four Zen Stages thoughts, emotions (the representative five coverings: lust-desire, covetousness-malevolence, sloth-drowsiness, agitation-worries, doubts), and volitions (the representative four fluxes: lust, becoming/identification, views/dogmas, nescience/no witness, of nirvana) are stilled in this order.

Please refer to 5. What is Karma? in “Why Buddhism Now?”


  1. The solution to the global problematique, mutually related global problems such as climate change, mass extinction, nationalism, war, nukes, dictatorship, dogma, discrimination, pollution, and poverty, requires the global ethic (issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993 with more than seven thousand people from all religions and from all over the world attending), which is based on the Five Precepts (and the fundamental common elements in the Ten Precepts, the Ten Commandments, etc. of Buddhism, etc.). The Inter-Action Institute drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities (counterpart to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to be published at the 50th anniversary of its issuance) for the U.N. to publish, but it has been shelved for the time being.
  2. A paradigm shift from our artificial, unilateral pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical Indra-net life culture for sharing life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace) is essential to solve the global problematique. Culture is the cultivation of our potential in truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (cf. sciences, philosophies, arts, and religions).

Please refer to the following for more detailed explanation:


一切の為の覚醒:坐禅 機能:聖なる調和













1.   諸法(形態・現象)の法(規則・法則・真理・倫理)は縁起(因縁生起)、即ち、一切現象は無量の直接原因と間接条件により相依生起するということである(因果則に似ているがさらに深く広い-世俗、観念、対象などを超える)。これは私達が他者(多種、要素、星宿など)と相依関係にあることを意味し、相互に相対的であり、私達が調和、健康、幸福になる為には共に調和して生き、全体健全な世界を作る努力をしなければならないことを意味する。

2.  Religion(宗教)はラテン語religare (再結合)に由来する。だから、宗教は罪(sin = 分離、分離病患, cf. a-sun-der, sundry)から聖(holiness = wholly wholesomeness 全体健全、参照 Rudolf Ottoの宗教の定義:the Holy)に再結合することである。エゴやエゴ集団の小さく分離した泡沫から無限の生命の大会の聖性に再結合するのは誰でもの又普遍宗教の目標であるが、 Mitra, Mithra, Metteya, Maitreya, Mazda, Massiah, etc(友を意味する)で表されるように、一切の必要の時の友は真の友として生きることであり、無量寿、無量光、無量解(脱:解放)、無量愛を生きるものである。

3.  我執は他者を切り離すことによって、誰でも、普遍真理/倫理(法)を守り(見守り/修養し:知り/行い)さえすれば、得て享受できる共生、相乗効果、健全、(生成による)尊厳、奉仕、神聖、救済、無量寿、無量光、無量解(脱:放)、無量愛などの便益を切り捨てるのである。

4.  業(karma, grow/create: 過去現在の身口意行動・習慣・遺伝)は貪瞋(エゴ/メイ:我/我所の)痴の三毒が植え込まれている。ブッダ(覚者)は一切衆生は業—誕生者、—相続者、—所有者、—機械、—依拠者であると言った。彼は、諸法(現象)の法(真理/倫理)である縁起の故に自己同一(永住)と自己主宰(意欲通り)の実態をもった自己物質は存在しないことを明らかにした。業—機械である私達は、苦しむ世界を聖(全体健全:調和、健康、幸福)なる世界に変える為には、法₋依拠者にならなければならない。

5.  鍵となる静坐の実践は業を静め、涅槃(nir-vāṇa = ni-vāta: no-wind, 無風、業風の)に安住し、法を見、一切に奉仕し救済する。坐禅(静坐瞑想)は身体・呼吸・頭脳(身口意)業を整え静止する。四禅は、尋求、伺候、喜悦、安楽を静め平静 (upekhā/upekṣā, 字義は捨離)・涅槃に到達する結果の心的(知性・感情・意欲)業を静止する過程を表示している。


6.  地球問題群、地球温暖化、大量絶滅、国家主義、戦争、核、ドクサイ、独断、差別、汚染、貧困の様な相互関連した地球諸問題、は(1993年シカゴで世界中から諸宗教の七千人を超える人々が集まった世界宗教会議により発出された宣言)地球倫理を必要とするが、これは(不殺、不盗、不偽、不淫、不飲酒の)五戒(と仏教他の十戒の基本的共通要素)に基づいている。インターアクション協議会は(世界人権宣言の対応として、その五十周年に発表する様)世界人務宣言の草案を作り国連が発出するように提出したが今に至るも棚上げされたままである。

7.  私達の人工的で一方向の金字塔文明から命・心・和の分かち合いによる五福(覚醒、自由、平等、友情、平和)をもつ自然的で循環的な命帝網文化への枠組転換が地球問題群を解決する為には必須である。文化は私達の真善美聖(参考:諸科学、諸哲学、諸芸術、諸宗教)における潜在能力を修養することである。





















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Turning Point 分岐点


Good morning!


Yesterday we talked about a step at a fork road makes a thousand-mile difference and a leaf falling, fall under heaven is known. Media in Japan featured Aum Shinrikyo sarin incident 30 yrs. ago trying to take over the country.

Today here is spring equinox, ohigan, yonder shore, equal in day and night and chill and heat, nirvana, practicing the six perfections of giving, morality, patience/acknowledge (of truth), striving, samadhi, prognosis in Japan.


We see the symptom of civilization crises at the turning point either to dictators’ doom or democracy’s delight, either to war and nuclear threat to holocaust or peace and prosperity. We can change crises to opportunities.

We must express our attitude for the universal truth and ethic, the great Dharma, Way, and Profundity. People’s voice is the divine voice (vox populi vox dei). The maxim and the Indian national emblem say, “Only truth wins!”


We can change madness to sanity, falsity to truth, delusion to awakening, inaction to action, sin (selfish sickness) to holiness (wholly wholesomeness), ego to eco, karma to dharma, war to peace, civilization to culture, etc.

To realize them we must clarify what we can do now to make a great change of karma of delusion, discrimination, competition, commotion, war, waste to dharma of awakening, equality, cooperation, calmness, peace, prosperity.


Let’s make our days working with our and others’ awakening and action! Thank you!






私たちは、普遍の真理と倫理、大法、大道、大玄に対する私たちの姿勢を示さなければなりません。「人民の声は神の声(vox populi, vox dei)」という格言があり、格言やインドの国章が示すように「真理のみ勝つ!」のです。













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One Step, Thousand Miles 一歩千里


Good morning!


I safely came back home from my driving up to Chicago and returning to St. Louis. There was a big change from my driving there about ten years ago. This time I tried AI driving guide. On the way to Chicago, I missed the highway with a moment of carelessness and by taking wrong road, loop, highway, etc. by AI guide. AI told to get off from the highway, going around small streets, even telling the opposite way.

I asked people, but they also told me wrong way, and even asking money. I had rainstorms on the way to and from with muddy rain requiring windshield washing to and hale on the way back. Heavy traffic jam made all cars just a few miles per hour both ways. Traffic signs are not well or enough for the people not local or usual commuters. After several hours driving I say bright illumination in the St. Louis city


Civilization created cities, computers, congestions, cunning people, climate change, etc., unkind to people, plants, and the planet. Driving late at night is with less cars, but becomes dangerous and tiring with more speed of 70 to 80 m/h. Upright posture and abdominal breathing deep helped long dangerous driving, though better and safer at home.

Coming home, sitting safe and happy with you is wonderful and priceless. Better than relying on AI or other people is relying on oneself with the Dharma of the Dependent Co-origination. We can and must plan things well enough and put into practice. “One step makes the difference of a thousand miles” is crucial for our civilization and culture.


Thank you for sitting together and practicing the Awakened Way!



  • おはようございます!







This may contain: lightning strikes in the sky over a field with a house and barn on the other side

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Equinox (Nirvana) 春分(彼岸:涅槃)


Today is the first day of spring equinox, o-higan, yonder shore, meaning nirvana. Three days before and after its middle day, we practice the six perfections (pâramitâ) of donation, morality, patience, striving, samadhi, and prognosis.


The Buddha often talked about donation, morality, leading to the birth in heaven. Patience (khânti, kshânti) means patience and patience (recognition) of (inconvenient) truth. Originally kshânti might be shânti (peace, heaven).


Xuan-sha said, “Entire world in ten directions is a clear crystal ball.” He could see the Indra-net as a clear crystal. People can’t see it, even don’t know the Indra-net, being not calm and clear like clear crystal. Many are cloudy or even dark, not reflecting others, remaining selfish, separated, and sinful.


Coagulation (selfish sickness) makes dictators, nationalism, racism, war, nuke-threat, -holocaust, climate change, etc. These human coagulations must be solved by humans unlike nature’s natural equalizing process like solving ice (due to the second law of thermodynamics).


Individuals (components of communities) must dissipate the coagulation of the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of ego) by still sitting, dissipating coagulation (stilling karma), settling in nirvana, calm and clear in the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination of all, i.e., all are related and relative.


If we know that there is no self-same self-sovereign self-substance, no lasting sovereign states, etc., we can co-exist and cooperate with others. If we all become awakened and active in our societies, we can avoid dictators, war, nuke-holocaust, enjoying peace and prosperity.


The Buddha practiced still sitting, stilled karma, settled in nirvana, served and saved all to avoid the destruction of the world. He practiced the triple learnings of morality, samâdhi (integration), and prognosis. We must do the same to save our world from the doom of all.


Thank you for your continued practice of zazen and the Awakened Way for all!











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The World Rising, Flowers Open! 世界起華開!


The world rising, flowers open!


Thank you, Otsuka-san, for the beautiful pictures posted on our websites (which were invisible due to copy-pasting from his email, but later downloaded and posted by required process). Otsuka-san sent message to our listserv saying, “Yesterday I couldn’t see the pictures on my pc., but today I can see them.”

I recalled a practitioner working in the kitchen of Eiheiji covered by deep snow, broadcast a half century ago rebroadcast a few days ago, said, “I’m greatly grateful for being able to do today, which I couldn’t do yesterday.”


I read Garyo’s posting on her FB of the experience of climbing a mountain and remembering of it (quotation of René Daumal). Dogen said about the time of seeing milliard peaks around by climbing to a mountain peak. He saw many people who climbed and reached the practice peaks.

How many days and how many mountains have we climbed to know today’s life – the Awakened Way walked and climed in world that have took billions of years with the limitless lives in the limitless universe?


Now the gate of ambrosia of immortality has been opened for everyone. The world is rising, flowers will open. We don’t know tomorrow, but we must live here and now, greatly grateful for the friends being together and all beings. Let us know and act a new way and world for opening.


Blooming in Sino-Japanese also mean laughing, because flower opening looks like the mouth opening. All walking, the blue mountain walks. Let us walk our new days with friends living together!

Arigato, great gratitude!






私たちは、今日といういのちを知るために、いくつの山を登り、いくつの日々を歩んできたでしょうか?— 覚道を歩み、限りない生命が広がる無限の宇宙の中で、何十億年もの時を経て築かれた世界を登ってきました。







White-eye shows up on the late blooming double-flowered red plum
The plum flowers with the full moon light behind
The Pacific Ocean is seen below



The above pictures were taken and sent by Otsuka (Shinko Daigen) -san   



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Awakening for All: Zazen Solution: Free Full Function 一切の為の覚醒:坐禅 解決:自由完全機能


Awakening for All: Zazen Solution: Free Full Function


We are approaching the equinox, hi-gan (yonder shore: nirvana: equanimity), equal day and night, chill and heat. Extreme weather, waves, ways, etc., create disasters. Dictators, wars, nukes, etc., cause disorder, destruction, devastation, and demise toward doomsday. Shi-gan (this shore: samsara) is with suffering.


The causes come from concentrated coagulation in the dynamic Dharma world of Dependent Co-origination, like climate change, capitalism, nationalism, nepotism, extremism, egoism, etc. Sin (selfish sickness) is the cause of these sufferings due to the symbolism of a sovereign self, society, status, state, etc.


The second law of thermodynamics is natural equalizing force, which makes raging waves into a calm sea, storms into doldrums, war into peace, madness into sanity. Nirvana means no-wind (of karma blowing us up/down) with a calm, clear consciousness-corporeal-world in peace and sanity.


Sitting still stills karma commotion into calm and clear condition of the physio-psycho system, like a ball of water stilled reflecting the true world. Microcosms (dharmas) reunite with the macrocosm (the Dharma world of limitless space and time) like a jigsaw piece fitting into its board, or a crystal ball reflecting others.


March 15, 2025, C.E.



  1. Awakening is in acknowledging the universal truth/ethic (Dharma) of Dependent Co-origination, which operates all phenomena,mu and applying it in solving problems and sufferings. It includes prognosis (hannya, third eye), which is the path of solution of systems. Awakened Way is not simply attaining a simple selfless state (bozen jishitsu: losing oneself in bewilderment, muga: no self, mushin: no mind, fusho:no birth in karmic mind/mental fabrication, etc.), but observing (clarifying and cultivating) the Dharma in the triple learnings of morality, samadhi (integration, not concentration, focus, much less trance), and prognosis individually, socially, and environmentally. The microcosm (individual, social, ecological) coagulation is naturally or by its change/cultivation is freed to function fully in the macrocosm (the Dharma world).


2.  “The Dharma (Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena/ truths/ethics)” is Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently co-originated on limitless causes and conditions (similar to the Law of Causality, but deeper and wider – beyond conventions, conceptions, objects, etc.). This means that we are interrelated with other beings (other species, elements, stars, etc.), and relatives to each other, and that we must therefore live together harmoniously and strive to make a wholly wholesome world to become harmonious, health, and happy.

3.  Karma (grow/create with the past/present physical/verbal/mental action, habit, heredity)is instilled with the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of ego/mei: I/my). The Buddha said that all living beings are karma-birthed, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged. He clarified that there is no self-substance with self-sameness (permanent) and self-sovereignty (wishful) entities due to the Dharma (Truth/Law) of all dharmas (phenomena), Dependent Co-origination. We as karma-machines must change to the Dharma-refuged in order to change the world in suffering to that in holiness (wholly wholesome: harmonious, healthy, and happy).

4.  The Triple Poisons are desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of a self-same, self-sovereign self). The “Triple Only” are only me, only now, and only money (short-sighted views and actions, which make the wider world worse) , which can be cured by the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis.

5.  The triple learnings are morality, integration, and prognosis (sîla, samâdhi, prajñâ). This is done by still sitting (zazen: sitting meditation), stilling karma (action with the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, delusion), settling in samadhi (harmonious integration: nirvana), and providing prognosis to cultivate our volition (to action), emotion, and intellection.

6.  Karma (grow/create with the past/present physical/verbal/mental action, habit, heredity)is instilled with the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of ego/mei: I/my). The Buddha said that all living beings are karma-birthed, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged. He clarified that there is no self-substance with self-sameness (permanent) and self-sovereignty (wishful) entities due to the Dharma (Truth/Law) of all dharmas (phenomena), Dependent Co-origination. We as karma-machines must change to the Dharma-refuged in order to change the world in suffering to that in holiness (wholly wholesome: harmonious, healthy, and happy).

7.  Nirvana means no wind (of karma imbued with the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion), where one can for the first time witness the Dharma world and become awakened from the long night of nescience to the Dharma of all dharmas in calm, clear, controlled, and careful conditions, then prognosticate problems and sufferings in the Four Holy Truths and the Eight Holy Ways.

No-wind of karma stills the two roots (craving and nescience) and stills their results of suffering and samsara [six ways/realms of hell beings, hungry ghosts, (fighting devils), animal beings, human beings, celestial beings], thus become freed (liberation, freedom) from samsara and suffering. One opens the right Dharma-eye there (Right Dharma-eye stored in the exquisite heart of nirvana), attaining countless merits of no moving (blowing) of karma (no moving, no death: ambrosia: amṛta), freed from discrimination, bondage of self, other, that, this, etc. (nothingness, emptiness, no-self, limitless: limitless life, limitless light, no attachment, no obstruction, etc.), realizing the true world (Dharma world, Buddha world, paradise, pure land), freed from straying, delusion, etc.

Please refer to 4. What is Nirvana? in the “Why Buddhism Now?”



一切の為の覚醒:坐禅 解決:自由完全機能













  1. 覚醒は、諸現象を機能させている縁起の法(普遍的真理・倫理)を承認しそれを諸問題・諸苦の解決に適用する事です。それは、組織解決の方途である、般若(処方・洞察:第三眼)を含みます。覚道は単に単純無我状態(茫然自失、無我、無心、不生:業心を生起させないこと・不妄心)ではなく、個人的、社会的、環境的に戒定(集中・焦点k、まして恍惚ではなく統合)慧の三学の中に法を守る(見守り修行する)事です。小宇宙(個人的、社会的、環境的)凝固は自然にまたばその変化修行により自由になり大宇宙(法界)の中で完全に機能するようになる。


2. 諸法(形態・現象)の法(規則・法則・真理・倫理)は縁起(因縁生起)、即ち、一切現象は無量の直接原因と間接条件により相依生起するということである(因果則に似ているがさらに深く広い-世俗、観念、対象などを超える)。これは私達が他者(多種、要素、星宿など)と相依関係にあることを意味し、相互に相対的であり、私達が調和、健康、幸福になる為には共に調和して生き、全体健全な世界を作る努力をしなければならないことを意味する。

3. 業(karma, grow/create: 過去現在の身口意行動・習慣・遺伝)は貪瞋(エゴ/メイ:我/我所の)痴の三毒が植え込まれている。ブッダ(覚者)は一切衆生は業—誕生者、—相続者、—所有者、—機械、—依拠者であると言った。彼は、諸法(現象)の法(真理/倫理)である縁起の故に自己同一(永住)と自己主宰(意欲通り)の実態をもった自己物質は存在しないことを明らかにした。業—機械である私達は、苦しむ世界を聖(全体健全:調和、健康、幸福)なる世界に変える為には、法₋依拠者にならなければならない。

4. 三毒は貪瞋痴(自己同一、自己主宰の我という愚痴)である。三だけは今だけ、金だけで自分だけということであり(短見・短絡行動で、より広い世界を悪化させる)が、戒定慧の三学はこれらを治癒できる。

5. 三学は戒定慧(sîla, samâdhi, prajñâ)である。これは静坐により、業(貪瞋痴三毒を伴う行為)を静め、三昧(調和総合:涅槃)に安住し、般若(処方:知恵)を与え、知情意を修養する。

6. 業(karma, grow/create: 過去現在の身口意行動・習慣・遺伝)は貪瞋(エゴ/メイ:我/我所の)痴の三毒が植え込まれている。ブッダ(覚者)は一切衆生は業—誕生者、—相続者、—所有者、—機械、—依拠者であると言った。彼は、諸法(現象)の法(真理/倫理)である縁起の故に自己同一(永住)と自己主宰(意欲通り)の実態をもった自己物質は存在しないことを明らかにした。業—機械である私達は、苦しむ世界を聖(全体健全:調和、健康、幸福)なる世界に変える為には、法₋依拠者にならなければならない。

7.   涅槃は(貪瞋痴で染汚した業の)無風を意味するが、そこで人は静謐・明澄・統制・注意状態で法界を直証し諸法の法に初めて無明長夜から目覚めて、問題と苦に対する四聖諦、八聖道で般若(の知恵:処方)を得る。

業の無風は二根(渇愛と無明)を静止してその結果の苦(四苦八苦など)と輪廻 [地獄、餓鬼、(修羅)、畜生、人間、天上の五(六)道(界)] を静止する、即ち輪廻・苦から自由になる(解脱・解放)。そこでは業による動揺が無く(不動、不死:甘露: amṛta)、我他彼此などの分別・束縛から自由になり(無・空・無我・無量:無量寿・無量光・無著・無碍など)、真理世界(法界、仏界、極楽、浄土)を現観し、迷・惑から自由になり、大局観・甚深・微妙な世界(法身、真実人体)を覚るなど涅槃による正法に眼を開き、無数の功徳を得る(正法眼蔵涅槃妙心)。






White-eye shows up on the late blooming double-flowered red plum
The plum flowers with the full moon light behind
The Pacific Ocean is seen below



The above pictures were taken and sent by Otsuka (Shinko Daigen) -san   











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Unversal Recommendation for Zazen 普勧坐禅


Good morning!


I got up one hour earlier and tried to join our meeting online yesterday. I tried and tried to see what is wrong for almost one hour – malfunction of Zoom, pc., etc.? I sent my email to you apologizing not being able to join our meeting. When I tried it again, I saw the host screen, then I could join our meeting.


This is sennyu-shu, pre-siding master, sennyu-kan, preconception – karma with attachment, aversion, and delusion, alaya(-vinnana), stored (consciousness). We are like flies trying to escape but hitting the same place repeatedly failing to do so, though there are many places or chances to escape.


Dogen said, “Learn to step backward to turn your light around to reflect on yourself.” Backward steps allow wider perspectives and prognoses. We need to sit and settle down to see the situations for solutions in wider views and values, and deeper insights and ingenuities.


Sanmai (transliteration of samadhi) is used as dokusho-zanmai, absorption in reading, etc. Samadhi is usually translated as concentration, but it is not focusing on one thing, but unifying all together. So, integration may be better rendering for it.


Samadhi is putting the whole body and mind into the limitless universe, unifying oneself and the whole world together. Dogen said, “”Totally forgetting the body and mind, throw yourself into the Buddha’s abode, allowing yourself to be guided by the Buddha.”


He came back from China empty-handed “just knowing the eyes horizontal and the nose vertical” and wrote A Universal Recommendation for Right Zazen as his first turning of the Dharma wheel. It recommends all to do zazen with why, how, precautions, etc. The last portion reads:


Urgently strive for the way that points directly to the right target, revere the unfabricating and unconditioned person, fit into the awakening of the Buddhas, and rightly inherit the samadhi of ancestors. Practice in such a way, constantly, and you will never fail to realize suchness. The treasure house will open by itself, and you will appreciate and use it at will.


“Letting go; your hands are full.” “In nothing is limitlessness.” “You have ultimately obtained the functional essence of a human body. Never let the light and shadow pass in vain.” Anyone can sit and savor the “Dharma joy zen bliss.”


Please have your good day in limitless life, light, liberation, and love!

Thank you!
















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Paradigm Shift: 枠組転換


The Buddha told a story: King Adassa (mirror) asked the born blinds to touch an animal and tell him their findings. Blind men groped, guessed, insisted and fought for their findings as a rope, hose, winnow, wall, etc.

This is our situation now: fighting for partial views. What is the solution? Stop fighting, sit down, and talk each other to get wider and better views, stopping shortsighted selfish views and values.

He said, “Better than conquering thousand upon thousand in the battlefield is conquering one self. This is the greatest of the war conquerors.” This will be the greatest conqueror of the world.

Religion is reuniting with holiness (wholly wholesome way/world) from sin (selfish sickened way/world). It tells us to reunite as friends for peace (pax: uniting) observing universal truth/ethic.

There is a saying, “A fox borrowing the tiger’s authority,” comparable one as in the Aesop’s fable: An ass wearing tiger’s skin threatening other animals, but revealed its true identity, when tried to scare a fox and brayed.

The triple calamities of dictatorship, war, and nuclear threat is borrowing the nation’s authority. If we transcend selfishness and state sovereignty to unite as a human family, we can solve our interrelated global problems.

Making our communities as sangha, harmonious like milk and water, not like oil and water, depends on our awakening and action to observe the universal truth/ethic, law of dependent co-origination/the global ethic.

We must make a paradigm shift from pyramidal civilization (=urbanization) for money, matter, might with delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and destruction to life Indra-net culture for life, heart and harmony with awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace.

Please have a good day with a good world!

Thank you!



部分的な見解を巡って争い合っているのです。解決策は何でしょう? 争いをやめ、坐り、互いに話し合うことによって、より広い視野とより良い理解を得ることです。狭く自己中心的な見解や価値観を手放すことが必要です。


宗教とは、罪(自己中病患な生き方・世界)から聖性(全体健全な生き方・世界)へと再結合することです(religion: religare: reunion)。







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